Principal Update

Thursday 7th March
It is fantastic to see how our school is able to offer many enriching learning opportunities for our students.
Last week our Junior school had a wonderful day and enjoyed their first excursion for the year. It was at Marie Wallace Park in Bayswater and it was great to see the scooters and bikes being used.
We presented our Year 6 students with their 2024 jackets and leadership badges at last week’s assembly. A nice tradition is inviting a special guest who has impacted the cohort. This year the students wanted their Foundation and Year 3/4 teacher Kieran to present. He was very happy to accommodate this request!
Well done to our Year 3 – 6 students and staff who enjoyed our annual House Sports day on Monday. A big acknowledgement to Kate Watkins for her organisation to ensure a smooth day was had. Thanks to our parents who came to assist and support the students. It is always a nice day. Some of students will be going through to the EDEC Athletics which is a great achievement.
The results are in:
1st was Red on 331,
2nd was Blue on 292,
3rd was Green on 277 and
4th was Yellow on 252.
Please remember to check Compass, especially on a Thursday, for any upcoming events that you need to be aware of for consent and/or payment.
Let’s Talk
The teacher mentor training and the student buddy training has now been completed and we are ready to launch. Tomorrow at assembly some of our keen students will be showcasing some role play situations to give the whole school a taste of what the program is about. Starting from next week you will notice some student buddies in the yard wearing bright pink vests! We think the program will further assist our students and we are looking forward to be able to offer more supports for our students.
Food Fight (for little kids) and Disco Bingo (for big kids)
Please see the compass news feeds / newsletter pages about these upcoming events that we are looking forward to. Both events will be on Friday 22 March
Students yesterday took home further information about the Food Fight that will support this event for Foodbank.
Foodbank has been great for our school to have the breakfast club twice a week as well as providing up to $2000 worth of equipment to support our Plot to Pot program.
We are noticing many students continually arriving late or having many days of unexplained absence.
Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.
Please read the Everyday counts attached and read the tables to see what increased absence adds up to.
School Photos – Thursday 28 March – for the calendar
We are having our school photo day on the last day of term. This can allow you time to plan any haircuts!
A reminder also to please be mindful when posting photos on personal social media pages that you don’t have other children in school uniform. This is a consent and privacy issue.
We do have Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm.
Dale McInerney