Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

The term is moving very quickly and staff and students will welcome a long weekend. As assessments are introduced and completed, some students are beginning to feel the pressure and may be finding it difficult to keep track of what is required in each of their subjects. Parents and Guardians can support their student by asking a few questions at home or taking some time to help them sort through the work that comes home with them. Don’t forget to ask if they have written down assessments in their diaries! Please remind your child that it is OK to speak with their teacher during or after class about things they are finding difficult. Students looking for additional help are welcome to attend either the Maths Help sessions on Mondays at 3:30pm in M13, or the English Help that is offered each Thursday at 3:30pm in M wing.


Last week 95 of our Yr 7 students attended our Camp at the Grampians Retreat in Dunkeld. After a delayed departure due to a catastrophic weather day, our students took off for an early start at 6.30am on the Thursday. Students experienced a number of exciting activities over the 2 days that included - Low ropes course, giant swing, flying fox, mountain biking and cultural activities. Students who attended the camp were all well behaved, showed excellent teamwork during activities and formed some new friendships. A big thank you to Mrs McKenry for all her organising of this camp!




A reminder that students must wear the Horsham College school uniform as per the school’s uniform policy. Students wearing the wrong uniform, parents/guardians must let coordinators know via SEQTA direct message or complete a written note.


All Year 7 students should have received a SEQTA direct message from Jason in regard to the upcoming Black Ranges Athletics Sports and nominating themselves for events. Please complete the Google Form ASAP and select all events that you are interested in trialling in. Any further information, please see Jason or Brooklyn at the Gym.


Term 1 Reports will be released via SEQTA Wednesday 13th March. This report provides a summary of progress made during the start of Semester 1. They will also indicate whether your child’s subject teachers have made a request to meet with you at Parent Teacher Interviews which will be held on Wednesday 20th March.