Academic Councellor News

Bonita O'Brien | Student Academic Councellor

Independence at High School

The first few years of high school are filled with many new and exciting experiences; learning to navigate these takes practice. Being organised is a major part of this learning process. It is important to start developing good organisational habits early, such as being prepared for classes.


Each day, students need to remember to bring their device to school fully charged, they need to have an understanding of their timetable and what books/equipment/clothing they require for the day. Every class, students must bring their Horsham College School Diary as well as the class appropriate textbooks and workbooks.


Families can help with this process by also being aware of students’ timetables so that they can prompt students to be prepared for each day. During Form Group, students need to listen for notices about room changes and any special messages from teachers. They also need to have their lockers organised so that change over between sessions is smooth and simple.


All of these are behaviours that take time to master and throw in learning how to cope socially amongst your peers, it definitely is a lot for students to learn but necessary for future success in their education. If you are finding that your student is struggling with aspects of organisation or independence please feel free to reach out to the school for further support.


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor Yrs 7-10