Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Common Room

It is wonderful to see the Year 12 cohort take increasing ownership of their Common Room. Students have liaised with the Year 12 Team to bring in additional furniture such as a couch and beanbags.


Students are encouraged to exhibit the key value of ‘care’ be ensuring that the Common Room is maintained in a neat and tidy manner.


Time Management

As the year progresses many students become increasingly busier as they attempt to juggle study, work and leisure commitments.


Now is a good time to re-visit the Study Planner that you prepared at the start of the year with the Elevate Education Sessions.


Students are encouraged to prioritise tasks so that they do not feel overwhelmed. A suggested order of tasks may include:

  • Homework (completing work from the day and other set tasks)
  • Revision/preparation for upcoming assessment
  • Class preparation (check SEQTA and look at work that will be covered the next day)
  • Topic revision (start with the subjects that you find the hardest)

Think about what time of the day that you study best. Often shorter, more frequent sessions work better than one long session.


A reminder that if you are struggling, please contact the Year 12 Team. We are here to help and are able to refer to our Senior Academic Counsellor, Ms Jenna Argall.



Year 12 students have been reminded about the need to always wear hats while outside during Term 1, even if only walking from the common room to the canteen. Please ensure you are leading by example to the younger students.


As the days start to become cooler, a reminder that if students choose to wear a top under their polo shirt that it needs to be white or blue in colour.


Drive to School forms

Year 12 is an exciting time as many students obtain their P plates. Students are reminded that they need to collect and return a ‘Drive to School’ permission form.