Year 11 News

 Tim Pitt & Lauren Thomson | Year 11 Coordinators

As we approach the end of term, it's crucial to stay updated with the key dates and reminders to ensure a smooth conclusion to the academic period.


Key Term Dates:

With only three weeks and a bit left of term, it's essential to mark your calendars with important events. Week 7 kicks off with a public holiday on Monday. Please take advantage of this day to rest and recharge. In Week 8, mark Wednesday for parent-teacher-student interviews—a valuable opportunity for you to discuss your progress and goals with your teachers. Week 9 concludes with another public holiday on Friday, commemorating Good Friday. Following this, the holidays officially begin. Additionally, remember the much-awaited Deb ball on Friday, the 22nd of March—a night of celebration and memories.


Homework and Study Stress:

As the term progresses, homework and study commitments may intensify. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, remember that seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness but rather a proactive step towards academic success. Don't hesitate to reach out to your teachers, peers, or utilise the resources available for study support. Moreover, engaging in stress management activities such as exercise, mindfulness, or hobbies can significantly alleviate the pressures of academic life.


Uniform Standards:

We kindly remind all students of the importance of adhering to the uniform policy. This includes wearing all black shoes, school-issued shorts with the logo, and only white or navy under-shirts. Additionally, ensure you have your school hat and wear it during outdoor activities to protect yourself from the sun. Maintaining uniform standards not only reflects positively on our school's image but also fosters a sense of unity and discipline among students. Please reach out if you need support with uniform items.