Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

NAPLAN: Reminder

NAPLAN will be conducted from March 13th until March 22nd. This timing allows schools access to NAPLAN data earlier in the year.


Assessments are undertaken online over a two-week period, with students in Year 7 and Year 9 sitting the four assessments across that time and allows for additional ‘catch-up’ sessions for students.


Horsham College celebrates success in terms of personal growth, effort and attitude and we encourage our students to attempt the assessment to the best of their ability. NAPLAN provides an opportunity for students to practice completing an assessment in a highly


 structured environment. It is important that all students sit NAPLAN and experience the test conditions they are likely to experience as they move into the senior school. NAPLAN also provides rich information to our teachers about how they can continue to best support your child through point of need teaching and differentiated tasks.


If you are concerned that your child is anxious about NAPLAN please contact the school so we can provide appropriate support and ensure all of our students have a positive experience.


A detailed information sheet on NAPLAN is included in this week’s newsletter.



A special meeting of the Horsham College School Council will be held on Wednesday March 20th to report on the recent School Council election process, elect office bearers and for the co-option of community members. This meeting will be held at 7:00pm in the College’s Administration Building, followed immediately by the regular monthly School Council meeting.



Teachers are currently finalising Term 1 Reports. These provide students and their parents/guardians with a snapshot of their results (where assessments have taken place) and progress. Reports will be released prior to Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday March 20th. I encourage parents/guardians and their students to make the time to attend Parent Teacher Interviews and meet or reconnect with their students’ teachers. Great success comes from teachers, students and families working together.


Finally, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable long weekend.