






Children and Technology


Renowned child psychologist Dr. Michael Carr- Greg has been quoted as saying "The wellbeing of today's youth has never been more challenging." 


For Parents and carers who would like to have some inside knowledge about how to keep their children safe in a digital world, Susan Mclean's book, Sexts, Texts and Selfies is a very useful, sometimes confronting book. Susan presented the topic "Texts, Tech and Teens" at a recent Australian Boarding Schools' Association International Conference in Hobart. She is Australia's leading expert in the area of cyber safety and was a member of the Victoria Police for 27 years completing advanced training in the USA and managing the Victoria Police Cybersafety Project. 

Street Aware

MEBS will be inviting a Police Liaison Officer based at PCYC to talk to our Boarders about being safe when walking around Wagga Wagga including the Malls and bus stops. Our Junior Boarders can take street leave once a week under supervision from Boarding Staff. However, Boarders in Years 10, 11, and 12 can take street leave independently. but It is expected Year 10 and 11 are in groups of two or more depending on the leave request/ activity.  Year 12 students can travel alone but preference is for two or more - again depending on the time, the activity, and the destination.  It is always wise to be aware of your surroundings, travel in numbers, carry a mobile phone, and adhere to leave conditions.






To assist parents, students, and staff, MEBS TV is available via the following link: HERE.