Where everyone knows your name! 

Calendar Dates- What's on.


1st                Assembly 9.00am

5th               Student Learning Conferences

6th               Preps commence full time

7th               Siena College Aspire Program - Yr 3-6 Girls attending

8th               School Closure Day - Staff First Aid Training

11th             Labour Day Public Holiday

13-18th       NAPLAN - Yr 3 & 5

15th             Assembly 9.00am

21st              Melb Int Flower & Garden Show - Whole School Excursion

22nd            Assembly 9.00am

27th             Family Prayer Evening 6.30pm

28th             Easter Prayer Service 9.00am

28th             School Photos 11.30am

28th             Last Day of Term 1- 1.00pm Dismissal







Loving God, 

your Son, Jesus, calmed the storm that 

frightened the disciples. You keep us safe too, 

even when we are afraid.

Show us how to follow you, 

and help usto be there for one another.

Teach us to share whatever we have fairly

                                 so that we, and our whole global family, 

                                 may look to the future with hope.



From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,


In the second week of the Lenten season we are encouraged to reflect on the biblical story of Jesus’ time in the desert where he fasted and prayed before his death and resurrection. This is an opportune time for us to think of how we are living our lives and consider what our priorities are.


Student Learning Conferences

Student Learning Conferences are next Tuesday, 5 March from 2.00pm - 8.00 pm. All parents/carers are encouraged to make a booking to meet with their child/ren’s classroom teacher/s to discuss their progress and other matters pertinent to their learning and wellbeing. Please book your conference times through PAM. 


School Closure Days Semester One

Throughout the year we have four school closure days that are used to support teachers’ professional learning and development. Our first closure day is planned for Friday 8 March, 2024 when all staff will engage in first aid training. Our second day is planned for Friday 26 April, 2024. The focus of this day is wellbeing and social and emotional learning. 



NAPLAN will commence the week commencing 11 March for students in Grades 3 and 5. These are online assessments with the exception of the Writing test for Grade 3. The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday 13 March9.30amWriting 
Thursday 14 March9.30amReading
Friday 15 March9.30amLanguage Conventions 
Monday 18 March11.30amNumeracy

Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week commences Sunday 10 March. The focus this year is ‘In the light of Christ.’ Parents are welcome to come into the school during this week to see child/ren’s learning in their classrooms and other learning spaces.


Family Prayer Night

Prayer is a significant aspect in daily life at St Philip’s. Prayer also promotes an opportunity for us to gather as a community and embrace our Catholic identity. A family prayer evening is scheduled for Wednesday 27 March commencing at 6.30pm. More details will be provided but we ask that you put this date in your diaries. 


School Assembly

Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly assembly at 9.00am on Friday and to stay for coffee afterwards. Throughout the term each class will present their learning during assembly, as indicated below.

01.03.24Grade 2/3 Assembly
08.03.24No Assembly – School Closure Day
15.03.24Prep/1 Assembly
22.03.24General Assembly

28.03.24 (Thursday)


Holy Week Prayer Service 

Easter Raffle

Warmest regards,

Michelle Worcester





The Sports and Excursion Fund provided by the Victorian Government is once again available to families where a parent has a valid concession card IE; Health Care Card.

Please get in touch with the office to obtain an application form.



The 4 week gymnastics program has been completed, new skills were learnt and fun had by all.
















STEM: Design and Sustainability

We are very busy in STEM this term with many different projects incorporating ways to reduce, reuse, recycle and repurpose.

We are collecting the following items for STEM projects for Term 1 if you are able to assist please.

We would like:

  • Old/scratched CDs and DVDs that are no longer required
  • Any materials that can assist the children in making our Sustainable Scarecrow, eg. material, stuffing, buttons
  • Empty food tins (no sharp edges please)
  • Outdoor art/decorations that the children can restore and reuse.
  • Any tools, pots, seeds, cuttings etc that will help us to revamp our vegetable patch.

  Donations can be left outside the STEM Room. Thank you for your help.  

Please remember we are still continuing to collect:

  • bread tags for Transmutation
  • medical foil blister packs for TerraCycle Australia

Collection boxes are in the office.

Thank you all for your help, it's great that we can work together to do our bit for sustainability and the environment.

Michelle Sherriff


Easter Raffle

Donations to make up the prizes for our annual Easter Raffle can be placed  in the 

 collection box for you/your child to drop off  in your child's classroom. 

We are looking for Easter themed gifts, crafts, decorations as well as chocolates! 

Thank you for your support of our Easter fundraiser. Raffle tickets have been sent home, please return with cash to the school office. More tickets are available at the office.


Cake Raffle 

We are once again conducting the weekly cake raffle to be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.  1 Spot is  still available  (22/3/2024)on roster for this term.  Please sign up to bake using the following link  https://volunteersignup.org/9JEMB

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support


Tuck Shop


Clara and Angi will be managing the tuckshop in 2024 - please reach out to them if you’d like to join the tuck shop team.

Clara: 0449 767 020 and Angi: 0431 021 711 



Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 






Open Day - Thursday 21st March 3.45-6.30pm

Please visit website for bookings - www.emmaus.vic.edu.au