Principal's Report

Leadership Badge Presentation
Our Year 6 Leadership Badge Presentation took place yesterday morning under the COLA at the Senior Campus. We are very grateful to our guest speaker, Tricia Ciampa, for her time and thoughtful and inspiring comments about leadership. We also thank The Jets for their beautiful singing of ‘Edge of Great’ at this special assembly. I am sure all those in attendance would have agreed it was a lovely event and fitting of such an occasion. We wish all our Year 6 students a truly great and worthwhile final year of Primary School.
School Council
School Council plays a vital role in the educational opportunity and outcomes of all students and setting of long term future goals of the school. Nominations for School Council were called in the newsletters on 13th and 20th February. We still have one more vacancy, if you are interested in nominating for School Council, please call in at our Senior Office to complete a self-nomination form by Friday this week.
Road Safety
We have been informed by staff from Bayside Council that members of their Parking Management Team will be monitoring parking out the front of both campuses and issuing fines for those not following the rules. Please note sometimes when issuing fines they may take a photo and send a fine in the post rather than leave the fine on the windscreen.
We ask parents and grandparents to adhere to the 2-minute parking zones, ‘No Parking’ zones and the designated spaces for people with a disability. If you are in the ‘2 minute parking zone’ you can get out of your vehicle to quickly help your children get in and out safely, however we strongly request that you do not walk away from your vehicle. This allows for more families to have prompt and safe access to ‘drop off’ their children at school. For the safety of our whole School Community and local neighbours we are strongly requesting that our parent and carers be respectful and do the right thing when they are delivering or collecting their children to or from school.
Next week from Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th March, the Year 3 and Year 5 students will be undertaking the annual NAPLAN tests. Students in both year levels undertake assessments in numeracy, reading, writing and language conventions (spelling, vocabulary and grammar). Students will be completing the NAPLAN tests online, except for the Year 3 Writing test.
Our STEM program would like to have a supply of Lego. If anyone has any Lego they no longer want, we would really appreciate some donations. Please leave at either office.
Have a good week and a lovely long weekend,