
Selamat Datang !
Our Primary Classes have been making great progress in the new Indonesian program.
It is called Teacher as Co-Learners (TCL) and our classroom teachers are learning the language each day with their students (and a little help from our Language Assistants)
We hope you can join us in using some basic words at home with your children:
Selamat Pagi = Good morning.
Selamat siang/sore = Good afternoon (sore is used after 3pm)
Sampai jumpa = See you later
Terima kasih = Thank you
Sama-sama = You're welcome
Bu = Miss/Mrs (Bu can also mean Mum)
Pak = Mr (Pak can also mean Dad)
Apa kabar? How are you?
Saya baik baik saja. I’m just fine
Angela Molinara
Languages Co-ordinator