Community News

At School Auskick Program - Term 1
NAB AFL Auskick will be running the At School Auskick Program on our own College Oval on Wednesday afternoons over the remainder of Term 1.
The first session is a free Come and Try session for any eligible St Mary's College students 5-12 years of age. Participation at the sessions following will require registration.
Any participant who registers can get a discount of $20 towards the At School Program.
Use the Discount Code - D15ED8B3 when registering through the link
Registered Participants will also receive a Size 1 Football and Pump!
Any participants who register for the At School program will also get a discount to register for the Seymour Community Auskick Program. Information will be provided at the conclusion of the At School program.
See what all the excitement is about for yourself at 3:30pm at our College Oval on Wednesday 13th March.
The At School Auskick sessions are as follows:
Wednesday 13th March 3.30pm – 4.30pm – Registered participants only can attend.
Wednesday 20th March 3.30pm – 4.30pm – Registered participants only can attend.
Wednesday 27th March 3.30pm – 5.00pm (extended session) - Registered participants only can attend.