Media Art (Year7 & Year 11)

The first media task for Year 7 was based on the discussion of media as a communication tool that is often transitory. The class discussed the differences between tagging, graffiti and street art and all the legal, moral and community issues of the same.
In small groups students created a message for their school that they could draw in the quadrangle for other students to consider using chalk which would fade and wear off eventually. The results of their work were colourful and much enjoyed by all.
Congratulations to Everyone! Fantastic work!
Year 11 (The Art Elite!)
After just a few lessons Crystal, Leisl and Eliza have made a brilliant start on Art Making & Exhibiting Unit One. Similarly, Leeshai has begun exploring VCD. At this point he intends to research and create a ‘Lifting Belt’ suitable for gym junkies! As you can see from these images their work promises to be amazing!
Sara Warner
Media Art Teacher