Parents' Association

PA AFL Footy Tipping
You are invited to join this exciting footy tipping competition and help the Parents' Association with fundraising for the school. The more people in the competition the more money there is for prizes and for the school. With only 7 more days until the first game for the season it is now time to join by heading to:
- create a login and click on Comps and Join Comp
- type in the Code: 7X2FKWJ5
- join the 'Syndal South PS' Comp
The cost to enter is $25. Payment can be made by forwarding the $25 to the school office in an envelope with your name and tipping name on it. Payment can also be made by EFT at the office. Weekly prizes are up for grabs, as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd end of season prizes/vouchers. Gotta be in it to win it!
Any queries, contact Michelle Huppe on
PA "Workforce" Volunteers
Would you like to help out at the school occasionally, but don't have time to be on the PA committee? You can sign up for the PA Volunteer Workforce and be notified of upcoming events that need a few extra hands.
Sign up at
We will send you an email when we need more people to help out with an event, such as handing out icy poles at the Athletics Day, wrapping Easter Egg hampers, heating up hotdogs for Footy Day, or selling gifts at the Mother's/Father's Day stalls.
We love to have extra people to help out and there's no commitment to join the PA or to come to every event. If you have a bit of time to help out at an activity, we will welcome you with open arms.
Secondhand Uniform Shop
The Secondhand Uniform Shop will open again early in Term 2. There is currently a shortage of stock, so if you have uniform items at home that are no longer needed and they are in good condition please bring them to the school office and they will be passed onto the Second Hand Uniform Shop. Donations of uniform items are always welcomed by the school.