Other News - Library, Green Team, SWPBS

Library News
All book orders from Issue 1 of LOOP Bookclub were delivered to students in their classrooms last Friday 23rd February. Issue 2 catalogues are now available online and catalogues have been sent home.
All online orders for Issue 2 are due by Wednesday 13th March @4pm. Remember books make great Easter gifts (without the sugar hit) and are a great activity for the upcoming Easter school holidays too! Please support LOOP bookclub when you can - thank you!
The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) announced the Notable books (the long list before the Shortlist) on Tuesday 27th February with the Shortlist then announced in March .
These book titles will be the focus for Children's BookWeek - Saturday 17th August to Friday 23rd August 2024.
The theme for Book Week this year is: READING IS MAGIC!
Reminder: All school library books have a 14 day loan period after which they become 'overdue' if not renewed or returned. Weekly overdue reminder notices are distributed to students to take home to their families. Any damaged or lost books need to be replaced with a NEW book or monetary donation - thank you!
Happy reading!
Ms Robinson
Green Team
Another year, another Green Team . . . and what a great start to the year we have had! The new members of the team for 2024 are passionate about the environment and ready to jump into projects for the year.
Our first focus - Nude Food! It’s been decided by the school and supported by the Green Team that we transition into being a fulltime Nude Food school. This means we will be encouraging families to try to pack a rubbish free lunch box EVERY DAY. We are aware there are many families who already do this and we applaud you and thank you.
Stay tuned for more information and tips to come about how you can pack a lunch box to meet the whole school Nude Food goal. In the meantime, please have a read below of some of the reasons and thoughts from our Green Team about why we think this is so important.
SWPBS - School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
The Syndal Stars focus for the last fortnight has been “follow the class voice level chart”. As part of our school value of Respect, students are to follow the noise level indicated by the noise level chart in their classrooms. This is a consistent chart that is found in each classroom across the school.
In Foundation, students have been following the class voice level chart during independent work at their tables. We have been incorporating gentle background music as a reminder to maintain a calm and quiet classroom environment.
In Year 1 and 2, students follow the noise level chart regularly. We enjoy making a competition out of it to beat the teacher with the chance of winning extra playtime at the end of the week, if the class is successful.
In Year 3 and 4, students have been actively engaging in using the noise level chart. Students use agency when deciding upon which level is most appropriate for each task.
In Year 5 and 6, students have been completing different learning tasks and having an agency in what noise level they think is appropriate for the task at hand. They understand that the noise level chart helps to provide a comfortable learning environment for themselves and their peers.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Parent Volunteers are needed to help out at the Year 3 - 6 Athletics on the 22nd March. If you are available can you please contact Mr Riley through Compass. To volunteer at any event or activity at school parents are required to have a current Working With Children Check and a current OHS Induction by the office. Please contact the school office to organise. Volunteering at school includes helping with swimming, helping in the classroom and going on excursions.
Follow Us
Follow the school on Instagram and Facebook to see more photos and video's of our wonderful students at school.
Diary Dates
For all diary/event dates please click here to go to our website calendar.
1st - Pupil Free Day (no students at school)
6th - School Photos
11th - Labour Day Public Holiday
15th - Camp Out on the Oval
2024 Term Dates
Term 1 - Tuesday 30th January - Thursday 28th March
Term 2 - Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4 - Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December