Boarding Update

What’s been happening in MITS Boarding?

Homework at Lockington

The Year 7 fellas have been fortunate enough during Term Two to have regular support from the Scotch College Year 11 students as a part of the school’s Devoted Service Program.

The MITS and Scotch fellas have been able to come together at Lockington on several Wednesday afternoons to engage in homework activities whilst the girls have been at footy training. Activities have included yarning and learning a bit about each other, reading together, and working on literacy and numeracy tasks. The fellas have also had the opportunity to design footpath stickers together for a Transport Victoria and MITS collaboration to keep our local community aware of keeping safe near roads in Richmond and crossing at the lights on Church Street.


We will continue the homework support from the Scotch fellas for term three and will conclude the term with a friendly soccer game together at Scotch College. 


“Thank you for a wonderful afternoon yesterday. It is such a beautiful place that you’ve set up for your delightful boys! Your boys got a lot out of the session, and I hope that yours did too.”  - David Treeby, Scotch College Program Coordinator.



Student Chef at 371 Church St Boarding House

Kat from the Kitchen team has been instrumental in leading our girls in 371 to learn more about how to prepare a meal for large groups of people.


The program has been running out of the kitchen at 139 and has involved small groups of girls working alongside Kat to learn about kitchen and food hygiene, plan menus, shop for ingredients, prepare meals, serve meals, and most importantly enjoy eating them with their peers!


The menus have been such a hit with the 371 students and staff, that a couple of dishes have made it on to the MITS whole school menu for all of our students to enjoy.


We look forward to seeing what the fellas from 364 will be cooking up in Term Three.


Thank you and well done to all boarding staff and students for a wonderful Term , see you all on the hill soon…


Lia Bartholomew

Head of Boarding & Wellbeing