Student Reflections

Yidaki hunting
Yidaki hunting

A highlight of this term was going to make yidaki's with Uncle Paul - Anthony


This term I have learned many new things. For example in writing I learnt how to write not only one essay but two! Another thing I learnt was chemicals and all the different types of metals, acids and bases that mix together to create something new. In Intercultural Studies we just created new Acknowledgements of Country that we are now going read in front of the class each day. This term has been a huge step for me as we are also now touring other schools and getting ready for next year. - Latia


The best thing about living in the Boarding House is the food and going out shopping. - Greenisha


This term I am proud of going to school almost every day! - Satira


Something I am looking forward to next term is doing more Pathways School visits and finding out which school I will be going to next year. - Laelani



This term I am proud of when us MITS Year 7 and 8 boys all went out on country with Uncle Paul and went didgeridoo hunting. - Ricky


The best thing about living in the Boarding House is you get to see things I haven't seen before and do some amazing things. I like all the staff and managers, they are all nice and I don’t have favorites. Everyone keeps a special place in my heart. - Jermaine



A highlight of this term was our Richmond Junior Football Dreamtime round. It was really fun to represent our cultures and play a game we love. - Sophie


This term I have learned that being shy wont get you anywhere. - Jodie


This term I have learned about short division, long division, multiplication and how to read the time in math, tightening tension, sizzling starts, planning, persuasive, strong arguments, combining sentences, ending with compact, spelling, sounding out, essay response, comprehension in English. We've also learned about media, racism, stereotypes, First Nations leaders project and important dates in Intercultural Studies, no vaping in Wellbeing and Australian History in humanities. - Bethany


RFC selfie
RFC selfie

This term I have learned some of the importance of the cultural paintings at the NGV including the 7 Sisters which is about inspirational women. - Shaylen


This term I am proud of making progress in coming to school to learn and listen to the teachers when they are giving instructions and talking. - Jacob


A challenge this term was walking to school because it was cold and when I was  walking my ears were getting cold and that's why it was a challenge. - Curtis


Something I am looking forward to next term is the Mount Buller Snow Camp and footy finals. - Harry


Science at Melbourne Uni
Science at Melbourne Uni

This term I am proud of doing my work and working on my goals and completing them. I am proud that I kept going after some injuries. - Jaydah


A highlight of this term were the No Vaping lessons with Tindarra Hood from VAHS and the big impacts it can cause to you. Another highlight was winning every single game of football like we did last term. - Josie


The best thing about living in the Boarding House was the wonderful staff and what they do for us and all that they organise for us. I am so grateful for them. - Cata


This term I am proud of speaking at assembly in front of the Year 7's and the Year 8's. - RJ



A highlight of this term was getting the Academic Excellence and Effort award at assembly. - Norah