Dates to note...

2024 Dates:
Term 3
Monday 22nd - STEM Olympics 12 - 3pm
Tuesday 23rd - Year 4-6 Athletics
Wednesday 24th - Yr 5 Camp and Leadership Meeting 7pm - 8.30pm
Thursday 25th - St James Feast Day Mass 12pm
Friday 26th - Mini Mission Fete
Friday 26th - Wednesday 31st
Sat 27th July - P&F Mums Night Out (The Bungalow Beer Garden, Ringwood)
Sunday 28th - Year 1/2 Level Mass - 9:45am at St John's Mitcham
Thursday 1st - Year 4 District Basketball
Tuesday 6th - Division Soccer (selected students)
Friday 9th - Division Netball (Mixed/Girls) - (selected students)
Saturday 10th - Confirmation celebration - 1pm
Monday 19th - Book Week Parade
Friday 30th - Father's Day Breakfast
Thursday 10th - District Athletics (for selected students)
Thursday 19th - Learning Conferences - 3:40pm - 7pm
Friday 20th - Learning Conferences - 8:30am - 11:30am - No classes for students
Term 4
Friday 11th - School Disco
Sat 26th - P&F Bunnings BBQ
Saturday 16 - St John's Parish Fete
Term Dates for 2024
Term Two:
Monday 15th April – Friday 28th June
Term Three:
Monday 15th July – Thursday 19th September
Friday 20th September - Learning Conferences - No classes for students
Term Four:
Monday 7th October – Tuesday 17th December (TBC)