Connect: Year 4

Next Fortnight of Learning


Vocabulary Words


Students are learning to combine two-three short sentences using a pronoun (cohesive device) and a conjunction.



To build on our contextual understanding students will be answering text-dependent questions that have a focus on author's purpose, text structure and main idea.


Writing- Sentence-level


Writing- Text-level

Students will brainstorm issues that are important to them. They will be encouraged to think on a personal, school, local and global scale. After this brainstorm we will make a list of arguments and reasons for these topics. Students will begin to write a persuasive introduction to one of their issues.



We are delving into the following topics over the coming weeks:

  • Statistics (interpreting, collecting and representing data in the form of graphs)
  • Multiplicative thinking (doubling strategy to solve complex problems)
  • Number sense (finding unknown values in equations involving addition and subtraction)


Problem Solving

The students will be exploring mass through problem solving this fortnight. They will be investigating objects that have a similar mass but different sizes, similar sizes but a different mass and different sizes with different masses. Remember the size of something does not determine how much matter an object has. Just think of a golf ball and ping pong ball!

Which has a larger mass?



Will are exciting to begin a new inquiry topic 'Forces and Functions'. Practical and engaging explorations of physics, engineering and coding will motivate students to pursue these skills as they get older. We will investigate how forces can be exerted by one object, design and conduct experiences around forces and basic computer programming. 



Our Wellbeing program will build on our Berry Street work, leaned through our curriculum day and continue our School Wide Positive Behaviours. Our four Rs will be moving from help-seeking to gender and identity. We will reflect on our individual identities, differentiate between sex and gender. Students will identify the effects of negative gender norms as well as how positive gender norms effect our environment. They will look at how media influences gender norms within our community. Building strategies to challenge negative gender norms when witnessing within the environment.

Celebration of Learning


Last week the students learned about the powerful value of trust. Through this they made helping hands where they wrote the names of people they can trust to seek help when their problems become too large. On the other hand were the names of the people who they can offer their help to. This made for a beautiful, colourful and meaningful wellbeing display in the entrance of our Grade 4 Patch.


Kitchen Garden

Mrs Furlong has done it again! Yet another delicious recipe that our students can add to their bank of scrumptious creations. This week the student's made kale chips, kale salad and the most mouth-watering pumpkin scrolls that were devoured by all. They also had a fabulous time in the garden tending to the chooks, planting raspberries and dill and picking the juiciest lemons.