Connect: Year 1
Dear families,
It has been an interesting start to Term 3 with so much sickness. It can be really hard to make the right call as to whether to keep them at home. Hopefully we are over the worst of it.
Friday 2nd August-Curriculum Day
Friday 9th August- SRC Free Dres Day Fundraiser - Gold Coin Donation
Monday 19th August-Professor Bunsen Incursion
Mon 19th-Fri 23rd August- Book week- Dress up day TBD
Our phonics focus this week has been 'ow' as in 'brown cow' and 'ou', 'ouch'. Students have been continuing to learn about the conjunction, 'so' and how it is used to connect phrases in a sentence to give more information. Next week they will begin learning about when to use the punctuation '? . !'. We will learn the effect of these.
We are looking at lots of information about Australian animals especially after the visit to Moonlit Sanctuary where they got to see many of their favourites. We will begin writing facts about the animals and using features such as 'sub-headings, captions, diagrams etc'
We are so lucky to have bought Little Learners books as take home readers. Your child should have brought one home. We will only send them home in a satchel so that they will be
protected. The books are ones they have read before and they will change weekly.
We have been learning about subtraction and using different strategies to solve simple worded problems. Additionally, we have been learning about location and giving directions.
Our focus is on Chemical Science seeing students looking at different materials that change shape. We have been researching different materials that can be bent or stretched to change shape.
We are continuing to focus on different strategies to help us stay calm when we are faced with things that may have us feeling frustrated, upset or angry. Children are learning these important social skills inside and outside of the classroom.
Enjoy the photos from our wonderful excursion. These students were so well behaved, the rangers said they were one of the best schools to have visited. Congratulations to our students.
Shanae, Michelle, Julieanne and Fiona.