Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Year 8 CampWednesday 4th - Friday 6th of September
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 19th and Friday 20th September

On Wednesday at our Year 8 assembly, we shared a lot of information about our upcoming Resilience Camp. We strongly encourage all students to attend our camp. We will be working with families of students who may be reluctant to attend, to ensure every student is able to experience the opportunity to benefit and grow from the camp in some form.

Some of the slides from Wednesday’s presentation are shared with you here.

Consent and further information is now published on Compass, along with the opportunity to submit dietary and medical details. We urge you to complete this paperwork through Compass at your earliest convenience.


Many of our students have access to CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding) that can be accessed to cover the cost of the camp. Please contact our Finance Team if you would like any clarification around this or any any other questions around payment of camp.  Our Finance Team will be very happy to help in anyway.


We will be sending home a more detailed list of what to bring in the coming weeks but some of the essentials include a pillow, sleeping bag and fitted sheet. Please ask your student to let us know if they need any of these items for the camp.

Dinner on the Thursday night will have a fancy dress theme! Be creative or just wear something you like wearing. Students are asked to leave phones, food and other devices at home. There is minimal phone service and any phones or other devices on camp will be collected and stored safely for the duration of the camp. 

A regular learning program will be provided at school for those choosing not to attend camp.

Smoking Ceremony

In the Year 8 Hub we were extremely proud to support our students and staff who attended a smoking ceremony to welcome our Japanese visitors from our sister school in Japan, Yaei High School. 


Gavan O’Dwyer proudly welcomed our visitors to Gunai Kurnai country and our Koorie Student Support Leader Keyanna Hood explained the significance behind the ceremony. 


Spring (cleaning) is approaching!

Break times can be difficult to manage in the Hub when everyone wants to be inside, especially when the weather outside is inclement, but we are very proud of our students who pitch in to make our space welcoming.


 As the weather improves, we will be encouraging students to be out and about charging up their Vitamin D stores.