Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   year7@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Parent teacher conferencesThursday 19th and Friday 20th September

Highlighting 7

In 7N we have lots to celebrate. We have sessions where we demonstrate our schools values of Respect Responsibility and Resilience in an excellent manner and our leaders work hard to demonstrate what we need to strive for. There are a wide variety of interests from fishing, to footy, to drinking coffee and obsessions with Pokemon. We have progressed well, and we continue to demonstrate our school values.

Mr Pachl and 7N
Mr Pachl and 7N



In our learning this term in English, we will finish off our Poetry CAT, engage in some writer's choice writing, complete information reports around the Olympics, as well as engage in Book Club discussions on a weekly basis, and immerse ourselves in a text analysis unit around the movie 'Paper Planes'.




During our Math sessions, we started the term reinforcing some multiplication, division and BIDMAS knowledge, which will then lead onto some work in Algebra. This semester we have an extensive focus on times tables, and with continued hard work, by the end of the year we will have mastered them!




In Science, 7N have finished off their ‘Earth in Space’ unit by creating a scientific model of the moon phases using Oreos. A tasty task with some fantastic results!




In Woodwork students are learning to make different wood joints. Students are learning how to measure and make the joint using different tools and methods and especially safe practices.




In PE/Health, 7N has been learning the skills of a modified Game-AFL 9s, including going through the basics of how to kick a drop punt.



In Humanities students are currently learning about who can be elected to Parliament and who has rights and responsibilities in Australia.




Students have been learning how the 'design element line' can be used in art, including understanding:

  1. Line to create illusion
  2. Line to create pattern
  3. Line to create movement or direction
  4. Line to create contours

They then created an illusion or contour drawing successfully using line and fine-liner as the media.

National Tree Day

Friday July 26th was National Tree Day, and students from 7A, 7B and 7G joined in the action. They expertly planted over 100 trees on the western side of John Butler Oval, with assistance from students from VM and Year 10 Literacy. Species planted were native indigo, saw banksia and dianella. In the lead up, students decorated tree guards, which will allow them to witness ‘their tree’ grow into part of the environment of the school. 

Annabelle and Isabella
Lola and Georgia
Annabelle and Isabella
Lola and Georgia