
The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence has a new name—Bullying No Way: National week of action. Bullying No Way Week, 12 to 16 August 2024, is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative and connects schools and communities to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The theme for 2024 is 'Everyone belongs'. When we all feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness. Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.Bullying can be physical, verbal or social.
Physical bullying includes actions that physically harm an individual or their belongings, including stealing from them.
Verbal bullying includes spoken or written words intended to insult or otherwise cause emotional pain to a person.
Social bullying includes actions intended to socially isolate another person or otherwise attack their social standing, for example by sharing personal information with others.
Bullying-like behaviour includes behaviours related to bullying that may not have occurred repeatedly. In some cases, this section includes data on bullying-like behaviour.
Bullying can happen:
- anywhere (for example, at school, home or in the neighbourhood)
- in person or online
- in an obvious or hidden manner
Physical, verbal and social bullying can all occur in person.
Cyberbullying, also referred to as online bullying, is a subset of verbal and/or social bullying carried out through technology, such as the internet and mobile devices.
Myth: Bullying is a normal part of life and you should just ignore it.
Fact: Bullying is not "normal" or acceptable in any form and ignoring might not always make it stop. If you can, please confide in someone you trust such as a parent, teacher, colleague or friend to help you get it stopped. Bullying can knock your self-esteem and confidence.
Myth: It is ok to hit someone who is bullying you, it will stop it
Fact: It’s understandable that you may be angry but if you were to get violent or aggressive it may make matters much worse as you may get into trouble too.
Myth: Those bullying are born this way, it’s in their genes.
Fact: Those who bully often adopt this behaviour from their environment or sometimes, it’s a reaction from them being bullied by others. Bullying is a learned behaviour. Whatever the case, it is not right.
Myth: Online bullying is just a joke and harmless
Fact: People being bullied online is a very serious issue, the bullying can go viral very quickly and make the problem escalate quickly. It is important to take a screenshot of any conversations, messages or posts that you feel are bullying so that you have a record.
Myth: If bullying was so bad, why don’t they have a law about it?
Fact: Serious forms of bullying is illegal and should be reported to the police including violence or assault, theft, repeated harassment or intimidation, e.g. threats and abusive phone calls, emails or text messages and hate crimes. There are variations in the law across the different states. Contact us for more information.
Myth: Reporting someone who is bullying will make things worse.
Fact: You may worry that reporting someone might make the bullying escalate or they feel they are not believed. It is important to confide in someone you trust so that you can have some help in getting the necessary support to get this stopped.
Myth: It is easy to spot the signs of bullying
Fact: It is not always easy to spot the signs of bullying as it is not always physical and obvious. Emotional, verbal and online bullying can often leave scars that people don’t see.
Myth: Children grow out of bullying
Fact: Quite often children who bully may grow up to be adults who bully or use negative behaviours, unless there has been intervention, and their behaviour addressed.
For additional information, please see links and attachments below:
Bully Stoppers | Victorian Government (www.vic.gov.au)
About bullying | How to stop bullying | ReachOut Australia
Classroom resources | eSafety Commissioner
It's time to act on Our Watch (youtube.com)
Family violence - Better Health Channel
About The Orange Door | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au)
It’s important to eat a range of healthy foods including protein, dairy, fruit and veggies, and carbohydrates in order to fuel your day. Finding this balance for recess and lunchtime can be easy and delicious .. your child can even design their own healthy meals!
How can ParentZone Support you
At ParentZone we offer all carers and parents a space to develop and strengthen their parenting skills while creating positive changes in their family. We provide free parenting groups, workshops, resources, and training to all parents and caregivers across the Gippsland region. Our skilled and experienced facilitators tailor education programs to enhance your family. This is done by using evidence informed frameworks such as Parents Building Solutions, Breaking the Cycle, Small talk and many more.
ParentZone programs support all ages and stages, from newborns to teenagers. Our programs address the challenges faced by parents including family violence and development milestones.
For more information or to discuss our programs please contact us on:
parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.auP: (03) 5135 9555
(suitable for parents/caregivers of teens aged 12-18)
Throughout this session, parents will gain a better understanding as to why challenging behaviours occur and learn strategies to deal with them. Parents will look at how to communicate better and explore ways to stay connected with their child.
When: Wednesday 28/08/2024
Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Where: ZOOMT
To Register Click the link or scan the code https://forms.office.com/r/gZjqD8ksbm