Principal's Message

To our College Community,
Thank you for the continued support provided to the staff and students at Bairnsdale Secondary College, it is greatly appreciated. Our College always has lots on and it is truly magical to see our students engaging in the classroom and the extra activities on offer.
Sister School Visit
Last week we hosted 20 Japanese students and their teachers, from our sister school in Japan - Yaei High School. It was an amazing cultural experience for all involved.
Excitement and nerves were high as host families waited for the train with our Japanese friends to arrive and meet them for the first time. It was wonderful to see the initial introductions and hear lots of voices and laughs as the tone was set for an amazing week ahead.
Visiting students had a week full of adventures. They:
- Spent time in classrooms with their buddies
- Visited Raymond Island
- Travelled to Nungurner Primary School (always a highlight)
- Played AFL with the Girls at the Centre
- Had a cultural experience at the Keeping Place
- Roasted marshmallows in an Outdoor Ed class
- Attended a Smoking Ceremony
A huge thank you to our host families and to our students who supported the Japanese students during their visit - you were all wonderful mentors. We are very proud of you.
35 year service award
The Department of Education at a function in Bairnsdale recognised the following staff with a 35 year service award to acknowledge and celebrate such a significant contribution to education.
Congratulations to:
- Peter Falla
- Connie Meade
- Christina Hunter
- James Newman
Joined by a number of participants across the Outer Gippsland Area, senior department staff spoke of our staff's achievement and thanked them for their commitment to educating and supporting students over so many years.
Parent Opinion Survey
This week our annual parent survey opened for our parents and carers. An email was sent to all families with the login. If you have not received the email, please contact us.
We invite all families to participate in this survey. We appreciate your feedback. The survey is designed to help us gain an understanding of family's perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and engagement.
The survey results provide data for our College leaders to use to assist in identifying areas of improvement and professional development needs in our College.
The survey closes Friday 30th August. Thank you in advance for giving us your feedback.
Tony Roberts