Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents and Carers of Year 7,


We hope you had a restful and enjoyable break. As we step into Term 3, we have an exciting lineup of activities and events planned. 


NAIDOC Week Year 7 Excursion


On Tuesday, July 23rd, Year 7 attended the Reconciliation Church and La Perouse Youth Haven. The students had an enriching experience, learning about the history and cultural significance. They engaged in various activities that highlighted the importance of reconciliation and community support, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history. The visit was both educational and inspiring, leaving a lasting impact on everyone involved.


Taronga Zoo Year 7 Science Excursion


On Wednesday, July 31st, Year 7 had an incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of wildlife and nature up close at Taronga Zoo. They engaged in interactive learning sessions about animal behaviour, conservation efforts, and the importance of biodiversity. The hands-on experience not only enhanced their understanding of the curriculum but also inspired a deeper appreciation for the natural world. It was a memorable day filled with discovery and excitement!



A reminder that as students return to school for Term 3, they are required to continue wearing their winter College uniform. Please note that jumpers are NOT to be worn with the sports uniform. If students are wearing their sports uniform, only the sports jacket is permitted. Rain jackets are also only to be worn on days where there is rain. Additionally, students are not permitted to wear acrylic nails, nail polish, make up or false lashes. 


Here’s a snapshot of what you can look forward to:

  • Week 3 - Friday 9th August: Geography Fieldwork Excursion 
  • Week 6 - Monday 26th August: Year 7 Vaccination
  • Week 6 - Friday 30th August: Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast


I look forward to another exciting term with Year 7 at Brigidine College! 


Kathy Phetrasi

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8 Pastoral Care

Welcome Back to Brigidine for Term 3!


Dear Year 8 Families,


I hope you all had a restful break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. I am delighted to welcome you back and share some wonderful news and updates from our Year 8 community.


Firstly, I want to commend our students for their excellent uniform compliance so far this term. The vast majority have returned with superb standards upheld. It is fantastic to see everyone looking so smart and ready to learn. Your dedication to maintaining high standards is appreciated.


I would like to congratulate the following two students on their INCREDIBLE performances in Brigidine’s Got Talent, held at our Founders Day on the last day of Term 2: Marcela Nino-Neville and Adelaide Hutchings. Congratulations on showcasing your musical talents, it was a joy to behold and awesome to celebrate your achievements.


A special congratulations to our Year 8 students who participated so successfully in our musical production of 'The Addams Family.' Your hard work, talent, and enthusiasm shone through, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements. Well done to Marcela Nino-Neville, Alisa Nguyen, Tabitha Munroe, Lucy Molloy, Lucy Marshan, Jasmine Khoo, Adelaide Hutchings and Grace Crawshaw!


I would also like to extend my gratitude to all the families who attended and participated in our recent Subject Selection Evening. Your involvement and support are crucial in helping our students make informed decisions about their educational pathways.


As we embark on this new term, I wish everyone the very best. Let's continue to strive for excellence, support one another, and make the most of every opportunity.


With Fortiter et Suaviter,


Tom Inatey

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 9 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents, Carers and Students of Year 9,


As we step into Term 3, I hope you’ve had a restful break and are ready to embark on another enriching term of learning and growth. 


Congratulations to Our Year 9 Musical Stars! 


A huge round of applause goes to all our Year 9 students who recently dazzled us with their performances in The Addams Family musical. Your dedication, talent, and enthusiasm were truly commendable, and you brought the stage to life with your extraordinary performances. Congratulations and well done to the orchestra, choir, and stagehands as well, who played crucial roles in ensuring a smooth and successful show. Your collective efforts contributed to an excellent production that showcased the remarkable teamwork and creativity of our students. We are incredibly proud of each of you for your hard work and commitment. Well done!


Uniform Expectations Reminder


As we resume classes, please remember to adhere to the College’s uniform expectations. Ensuring that your daughter is in the correct uniform not only reflects school pride but also maintains a sense of discipline and equality. If you have any questions regarding the uniform policy, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration.


A Fresh Start in Semester 2


Term 3 marks a fresh start for all students. Demerits from Semester 1 have been reset, providing a clean slate for each student. This is a great opportunity for students to set new academic and personal goals for the term. Encourage your daughter to reflect on her achievements and challenges from the previous semester and to approach the new term with renewed focus and enthusiasm.


Introducing Student of the Week


We are excited to introduce a new initiative for Term 3: the “Student of the Week” program. This initiative aims to recognise and celebrate the positive actions and contributions of our students. Our first Student of the Week went to Brooke Barnsley. Brooke was chosen for her exceptional generosity and eagerness to donate to the St Vincent’s Winter Appeal. She was the very first student to contribute to the drive, demonstrating a commendable spirit of charity. Well done, Brooke!


Encouraging Random Acts of Kindness


This term, we encourage all Year 9 students to display random acts of kindness within our community. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in someone’s day and contribute to a more compassionate and supportive environment. Let’s continue to foster a culture of kindness and empathy as we work together to make our school community even more vibrant and inclusive.


 As we embrace the new opportunities that Term 3 presents, let’s support our students in their endeavours and celebrate their achievements. We look forward to a term filled with enthusiasm, learning, and memorable experiences.


Warm regards,


Rebecca Monohan

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 10 Pastoral Care

Welcome Back to Term 3


Dear Year 10 Parents and Students,

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting and productive term ahead. 


We have several important events and activities planned, so please mark these key dates in your calendars:

  • August 9th: Year 10 Disco at Marcellin College, Randwick
  • August 15th: Year 10 Elevate Session in Pastoral Care
  • August 16th: Careers Expo
  • August 21st: Staff PL Day (Student Pupil Free Day)

Congratulations to Our Musical Stars


I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Year 10 students who were involved in the school musical. Your commitment, talent, and skills were truly on display, and you have made us all very proud. Thank you for your hard work and dedication and for bringing such joy and creativity to our school community.


Congratulations to the following students:



  • Serena Chu
  • Aurelli Salim
  • Emily Malloy
  • Evelyn Cheung 
  • Olivia Freitas Evans
  • Daisy Herr
  • Michelle Hill


  • Joely Menzel
  • Chloe Surbevski 
  • Ruby Pajor
  • Anastasia Dudek


  • Priya Carpenter
  • Lucinda Miranda 
  • Sienna Simons



  • Giorgia Aiello
  • Ruby Shephard
  • Ajelen Castillo
  • Charlotte Withycombe


  • Kirrily Fensom
  • Jacqui Liao


I look forward to another exciting term where we focus on growing the students' learning and creating everlasting memories. 


I wish all year 10 a successful Term 3. 


Kind regards,


Nikki McWhirter

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 11 Pastoral Care

Welcome Back to Term 3!


Dear Year 11 Students and Parents,


As we embark on Term 3, I am delighted to welcome you back to Brigidine College. I hope you all had a restful break and are recharged for the busy and exciting term ahead. This term is particularly significant as our Year 11 students will be preparing for their final preliminary exams. It's a time to focus, work hard, and set the foundation for a successful Year 12.


Uniform Reminders


A gentle reminder about our winter uniform policy: it is important to ensure that the winter uniform is worn correctly at all times. This not only reflects the pride we have in our school but also fosters a sense of unity and belonging among students. Please remember that the sports uniform should not be mixed with the regular winter uniform. Each uniform serves a distinct purpose and should be worn appropriately to maintain the standard of excellence we uphold at Brigidine College.


Biology Excursion to the Zoo


We recently had an exciting learning opportunity for our Biology students. The Biology excursion to the zoo provided a hands-on experience to study various biological concepts in a real-world setting. This excursion was designed to complement classroom learning by offering students a chance to observe and analyse the behaviour, habitats, and conservation efforts of a diverse range of animals. It was an educational and enjoyable experience that enhanced their understanding of the subject.


PDHPE Incursion: First Aid Training


In addition to our regular curriculum, we arranged a special PDHPE incursion focused on first aid training. This practical session was crucial for equipping students with essential life skills. Knowing how to respond in an emergency can make a significant difference, and we were committed to ensuring our students were prepared to handle such situations confidently. The first aid training covered a variety of scenarios and taught students the basics of providing immediate care, which is a valuable skill both in and out of school.


Preparing for Preliminary Exams


As the term progresses, our Year 11 students will be gearing up for their preliminary exams. This is an important milestone in their academic journey, and I encourage all students to approach their studies with diligence and dedication. Parents, your support and encouragement during this time are invaluable. Please ensure that your daughters have a quiet and conducive environment for studying at home and that they are balancing their academic commitments with proper rest and recreation.


In their subject areas, students will be provided additional resources and support to help them prepare effectively for their exams. This includes study guides, revision work, and one-on-one support where needed. I urge all students to take full advantage of these resources and to reach out to their teachers for any assistance they might need.


Best Wishes for a Successful Term


In closing, I want to wish all our Year 11 students a productive and successful Term 3. Remember, this term is a stepping stone towards your final year of high school. The effort and determination you put in now will pave the way for your future achievements. Stay focused, work hard, and support each other through this journey.


Parents, thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we can ensure that our students thrive and excel in their studies and personal development.


Let's make Term 3 a term of growth, learning, and success!


Warm regards,


Tony Munguia

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 12 Pastoral Care

As Year 12 enters their final term of classes, it's a reminder of how quickly time has flown. I encourage all Year 12 students to savor these last moments of their schooling at Brigidine College and enjoy this term with their teachers and peers. Below are some important details regarding Term 3 for Year 12.


Important Upcoming Events

  • Trial HSC Examinations:
    • Dates: August 5-19 (Week 3)
    • Best of luck to all students!
  • Year 12 Retreat:
    • Dates: September 11-13 (Week 8)
    • Format: Two groups will spend one night each over the three days. 
    • More details will be communicated shortly.
  • Week 10
    • Last day of classes: Monday September 23
    • Graduation Assembly and Mass: Wednesday September 25
    • Formal: Friday September 27
    • More information will be communicated shortly.

I would like to wish all Year 12 students success in their HSC Trial Examinations. Enjoy these final moments and make them memorable! 


Jon Campbell

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator