Pastoral Care

"We have to nourish in order to flourish" 

—  anon.

The Importance of Kindness


As we begin the new semester and start setting new goals, it is important to take a moment to reflect on our progress so far and the experiences that we have had so far this year.


It is important to not only consider our own progress, but also reflect on our character and the strides we are making in developing our values and integrity. 


As part of this, students should consider the way they think about and treat others. Treating others with kindness and respect is something I would like to see students strive to do each and every day.


Have you ever been the recipient of an act of kindness or where someone “paid it forward”. How did it make you feel? I’m sure you were surprised, and I’m sure it put a smile on your face. It would have made you feel joy, happiness and feel valued. Hopefully it led to you doing something similar to pay it forward again. This is because kindness is infectious. 


Being kind is something that is very easy to do, yet so necessary for many reasons; both for the individual and society as a whole. Kindness does the following: 

  • Fosters positive relationships: kindness encourages trust, and makes interactions more enjoyable and improves social cohesion. In a society where kindness is prevalent, people are more likely to work together cooperatively, leading to greater social cohesion, connection, a sense of belonging and somewhere where people feel valued. 
  • Improves Mental Health: acts of kindness can increase happiness and reduce stress. Both giving and receiving kindness can boost mood, improve self-esteem, and provide a sense of purpose. This can be contagious. When one person performs an act of kindness, it often inspires others to do the same, leading to a more compassionate and supportive community.
  • Promotes Empathy and Understanding: Being kind involves considering others' feelings and perspectives. This can enhance empathy and lead to greater understanding, tolerance and respect. By being kind, individuals can serve as role models, especially for younger generations. This can help cultivate a culture of kindness and compassion in society.

In essence, kindness enriches both personal well-being and society more broadly, making it a fundamental aspect of a healthy and harmonious life. In Pastoral Care this term, we will be discussing the importance of being kind, ways to do this and developing our own “random acts of kindness” for the broader school and community. Random acts of kindness are small, simple, and unexpected gestures that can have a big impact on others. Any act you do without a motive that stimulates a sense of happiness and joy in others. We hope that students see the importance of this and practise it in their everyday lives. 


Some ideas to practise in your everyday life 

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Kindness Ideas



Sarah Charles 

Director of Pastoral Care