Youth Ministry

"Youth is for taking risks, good risks, risks full of hope. Youth is meant to be given away to help others to know the Lord. Don’t keep your youth to yourselves: get out there!"

                                                                                                                                       — Pope Francis

It’s been a busy time for Youth Ministry at the College!


In Term 2, we ran the Vinnies Winter Appeal with great success. This year, the Appeal focused on the Working Homeless, an emerging group of people who experience housing hardship and disadvantage despite being in employment. Thanks to the generous donations of our students across Years 7-12, we were able to fill twelve boxes with essentials for those in need at the Vinnies Redfern Support Centre. Your contributions have made a significant impact on the lives of the Working Homeless. We thank all the students and families who donated items to this great cause.


Boxes ready for donation to Vinnies
Boxes ready for donation to Vinnies



Term 2 also saw the running of Sydney Catholic Schools Years 7-9 Evangelisation Day, and the 10:10 Project Conference for Yr 10 students. Both these events were an opportunity for students to connect and engage with other students from Catholic schools across Sydney for a day of music, prayer, and talks from a variety of guest speakers. 


We also participated in two Randwick Connect Youth Masses, alongside Marcellin College, at OLSH Parish Randwick. This involved icebreaker activities, trivia, and a pizza dinner, followed by Mass at 6:00pm. These Sunday sessions are a great opportunity to connect with our local Parish.


Term 3 is shaping up to be another busy term, with the SCS Youth Night and the Ignite Conference are already on the horizon. The SCS Youth Night will be held on Friday, 16th August at OLSH Randwick from 5:30pm. This night focuses on outreach to the elderly in our local community, and is open to students from the St George, Harbour-North Sydney, and the Randwick Botany networks.


This year, the Ignite Conference: Rise Up! will be held in Greater Sydney in the Broken Bay Diocese from 26th-29th September. This Catholic conference held nation-wide, focuses on engaging young people to the Gospel through rallies, engaging workshops, and inspiring keynote speakers. The event is for kids, teenagers and adults alike- a perfect opportunity for Catholic communities to grow in faith together.


More information on these events will be published on Compass.


Thank you to all staff and students who helped make Youth Ministry at the College in Semester One a great success. 


I look forward to what Semester Two has to offer!


Monica Atlamaz

Youth Ministry Coordinator