Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"

— 1 Peter 4:10

                                                             2024 College Liturgical Theme

Embracing Courage: Year 12 Retreat (Week 8)


As our Year 12 students prepare to take their next steps beyond these halls, we are excited to announce the Year 12 Retreat in Week 8. This retreat will focus on the pillar of ‘Courage,’ offering students a valuable opportunity to embrace this pillar as their guiding light. They will be encouraged to challenge their comfort zones, strengthen their bonds, and look ahead with courage as they prepare to show gratitude and bid farewell.


Next week, a Compass event will be published for parents to provide consent and submit any necessary medical and dietary requirements, allowing the retreat venue to begin preparations.


I look forward to sharing more about this incredible experience in our next newsletter.


Celebrate Father's Day with Us: Mass and Breakfast on Friday, 30 August 2024


Join us for our Father's Day Mass and Breakfast on Friday, 30 August, starting at 8:00am in the Cullen Centre. 


We warmly invite all fathers, grandfathers, and their daughters to come together for this heartfelt celebration. This event honours the vital role that fathers and grandfathers play and we look forward to celebrating the cherished bonds we hold dear.



Fortnightly Masses at the College


Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me about our fortnightly Masses. 


It is uncertain as to the continuation of these masses, and we have reached out to OLSH Parish to confirm their availability.  We always cherish our time together during these Eucharistic celebrations and look forward to gathering with you again soon.


Prayers for our Year 12 students


As our Year 12 students embark on their HSC Trial exams, we come together as a community in prayer:


God, we ask that our students feel your closeness during the exam period. Give them calm hearts and quiet confidence, knowing that you hold them in the palm of your hand. Bless them with keen understanding and retentive memory. Grant them the ability to grasp concepts correctly, explain them accurately, and express themselves clearly. Guide them from the beginning, direct their progress, and assist them in completing each response. Holy Spirit, bestow upon them your gifts of wisdom and knowledge.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Brigid, Pray for us. 


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission