

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

— Dale Carnegie

Dear Brigidine Community,


Welcome to Term 3! I hope you enjoyed a refreshing break and quality time with your families. As we dive into this term, we anticipate an exciting journey filled with enriching experiences for our students. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our vibrant community.


The College Musical: The Addams Family

We were delighted by the outstanding production of The Addams Family, which took place from July 25 to July 27, 2024, at the Cullen Centre. Our students, who dedicated eight months of hard work to this show, delivered unforgettable performances. Balancing academics and rehearsals, they devoted their Sundays and holidays to perfecting their craft. It was a joy to witness their incredible talent and dedication come to life on stage.


A heartfelt thank you goes to the incredible staff whose dedication and inspiration have nurtured our students' talents. To Tayla Whiteman, Jacqui Hanniffy, Catherine Exton, Jen Lau, and Jasmine Cnogorac, we extend our deepest gratitude for your remarkable contributions. Your efforts have truly made this production a memorable success.


Duke of Edinburgh: Gold Expedition

We are immensely proud of our students who completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition from July 2 to July 13. Six Brigidine students, in collaboration with peers from St. Mary's Cathedral College, embarked on a challenging adventure through the Northern Territory with Black Diamond Adventures. Their journey was a testament to their resilience and teamwork, culminating in an extraordinary achievement.


A special thank you goes to Rebecca Monohan, whose dedication and support were crucial, and to Sophie Robson, our Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator, for her exceptional organisational efforts. Congratulations to all participants for their hard work and determination in achieving their Gold Duke of Edinburgh award!


SCS Representative Sport: Brigidine Netball Triumphs

Our Junior and Senior Netball teams excelled in the Grand Finals of the Sydney Catholic Schools Winter Sport Championships! Competing at Netball Central, Sydney Olympic Park on July 25, they showcased their hard work and passion. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and the dedication they displayed throughout the season.


Special thanks to our dedicated coaches: Natalie Harkins for the Junior team, and Nikki McWhirter and Rebecca Monohan for the Senior team. Your guidance and support have been invaluable.


Years 7 - 10 Semester One Awards Ceremony

On July 30, we celebrated the academic excellence of our students from Semester One. The ceremony recognised their dedication and hard work, serving as inspiration for continued academic pursuit. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents who attended; your presence truly enriches these celebrations.


Year 12 Trial Examination Period

Starting August 5, our Year 12 students will commence their Trial examinations, the final set of exams before the HSC. We wish them every success and have every confidence in their abilities. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, wishing them calm, focus, and confidence as they approach this critical phase.


Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast: Friday, 30 August 2024

We look forward to welcoming all fathers, grandfathers, and their daughters to our Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast on August 30, starting at 8:00am in the Cullen Centre. This special event is a heartfelt celebration of the important role fathers and grandfathers play in our lives. We eagerly anticipate sharing this joyous occasion with you!


Staff Movements Announcement

We are pleased to welcome the following new staff members to our Brigidine community:

  • Ms. Lucy Collins, joining our TAS Department.
  • Ms. Marie O’Connor, joining our Science Department.
  • Mr. Connor Henderson, joining our Mathematics Department.

A warm welcome to Lucy, Marie, and Connor! We are excited to have you with us and look forward to the positive impact you will bring to our school.


Looking forward to another amazing term for all.


Warm regards,

Sharyn Quirk
