Principal News

2024 NAPLAN Data - A CEPS Celebration

On behalf of our collective staff, I am thrilled to announce and celebrate the outstanding results of our Year 3 and Year 5 students in the 2024 NAPLAN assessments. This year's data highlights exceptional growth and achievement, showcasing the hard work and dedication of our students, teachers, and families.


Year 3 NAPLAN Achievements


Our Year 3 students have demonstrated remarkable progress in all key areas, reflecting not only their individual results but also the effectiveness of our strong evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Reading: 52% of students exceeded expectations, with 38% performing strongly. This marks an impressive increase, with the combined percentage of students exceeding and strongly performing rising from 83% in 2023 to 90% in 2024.
  • Numeracy: 24% of students exceeded expectations, and 66% performed strongly, with the combined percentage increasing from 83% in 2023 to 90% in 2024.
  • Grammar and Punctuation (G&P): 36% of students exceeded expectations, with 41% performing strongly. The combined percentage grew from 69% in 2023 to 77% in 2024.
  • Spelling: 44% of students exceeded expectations, and 42% performed strongly. The combined percentage rose from 82% in 2023 to 86% in 2024.

Year 5 NAPLAN Achievements


Our Year 5 students have also shown impressive proficiency and growth, particularly in numeracy and spelling. Here are the key achievements:

  • Reading: 42% of students exceeded expectations, with another 42% performing strongly, maintaining a combined percentage of 84% from 2023 to 2024.
  • Numeracy: 28% of students exceeded expectations, and 56% performed strongly, with the combined percentage increasing from 74% in 2023 to 84% in 2024.
  • Grammar and Punctuation (G&P): 40% of students exceeded expectations, with 53% performing strongly. The combined percentage surged from 75% in 2023 to 93% in 2024.
  • Spelling: 40% of students exceeded expectations, and 51% performed strongly, with the combined percentage growing from 72% in 2023 to 91% in 2024.

These outstanding NAPLAN results are a collective achievement, and I extend my gratitude to our dedicated teachers who continuously strive to deliver a high-quality education to every student. Their relentless commitment to student success has played a crucial role in reaching these milestones.


I also wish to acknowledge the vital role parents and carers play in supporting their children's education. Your encouragement and involvement are invaluable and contribute significantly to the academic progress we celebrate today.


Congratulations to all our Year 3 and Year 5 students for their remarkable achievements. I look forward to our school continuing this journey of success and growth together. ​​

School Disco - Thank you to our Parents' Committee

Last Friday, the 26th of July, we held our 2024 School Disco. Every year. the school disco is a much-anticipated event for our students, and it was again a resounding success.


The success of this event lies with our dedicated Parents' Committee, whose planning and implementation ensured every detail of the event was considered. From decorating the venue to coordinating entertainment, purchasing glow sticks and Zooper Doopers, their hard work and commitment created an atmosphere where students could dance and sing the night away. I extend our heartfelt gratitude to every parent and carer who contributed in various capacities, whether through volunteering their time or supporting the planning process. Your collective efforts made the event possible. 

Sentral & QKR Communication 

We have observed an increasing number of enquiries from parents regarding payment for various events through our office, due to difficulties accessing Sentral as the event has already closed. 


To ensure you stay informed and up to date with all school activities and communication, we strongly encourage you to enable notifications for Sentral.

Sentral serves as our primary platform for communicating essential information such as upcoming events, camps, incursions, permissions, and reminders for Special Food Days and fundraising events, which can conveniently be paid via QKR.


Our administration team typically sends permissions/consent requests and payment reminders 6-8 weeks before each event. Multiple notifications are also posted on Sentral to ensure all deadlines are clearly communicated. Timely responses to these deadlines are crucial, as they reflect the hard work and dedication of many individuals involved in organising these events.


Thank you for your attention to this matter. Should you encounter any issues or require assistance with Sentral notifications, please do not hesitate to contact the office. Please contact the office as soon as the event has opened if you are experiencing difficulties.

Congratulations to Sam Bradley and Charley Nelson

I am pleased to share the outstanding achievements of our students, Sam Bradley and Charley Nelson, who recently showcased their exceptional running expertise at the State Primary School Cross Country Championships.


Sam Bradley demonstrated exceptional talent and effort, securing 3rd place in his event. This achievement now qualifies him to compete in the National Cross Country Championships. Remarkably, this is Sam's second consecutive year earning this honour. 

Charley Nelson also represented our school with pride, giving her very best effort in her event. 


We are immensely proud of Sam and Charley for their achievements, reflecting their individual running capabilities. Their accomplishments highlight the reward that can be achieved through perseverance and commitment.

2024 School Review

Every four years, government schools engage in a School Review, and this year we are due to be reviewed. This is an important process that will assist in shaping the future plans of our school. This review is closely linked to our 2020-2024 School Strategic Plan and aims to evaluate our progress over the past four years while identifying areas for growth and improvement.


What is a School Review?

A school review is a comprehensive evaluation process that assesses the effectiveness of a school’s programs, practices, and overall performance. It is an essential part of our School Strategic Plan, which sets out the long-term goals and strategies for continuous improvement. The review provides an opportunity to reflect on our achievements, understand our challenges, and plan strategically for the future.


Your Participation Matters

In addition to the Parent/Caregiver survey, we will be seeking your input on the successes and areas for improvement over the past four years. Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand what and why we are doing well and where we can make enhancements to better serve our students and community. Please keep an eye out on the newsletter and Sentral for further information throughout the term.

2024 Parent Opinion Survey 

This important survey provides a valuable opportunity for you to share your thoughts and feedback about our school. Your input helps us celebrate our successes and identify areas for improvement, ensuring we continue to provide the best possible education and environment for our students.


Survey Access

Next week, access to the survey will be provided via Sentral. Please keep an eye out for the notification and take the time to participate. We are committed to allowing all families to complete the survey, and your participation is highly valued.


Why Your Feedback Matters

Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand where we are doing well and where we can improve. The insights you provide allow us to make informed decisions that enhance the learning experience for our students and our families. The staff and I thoroughly review the data sets and use them to guide our planning and improvement efforts.


How to Approach the Survey

I kindly ask that you complete the survey with an objective lens, thoughtful consideration, and where possible, through a whole school perspective. Reflect on your experiences and provide honest feedback. This balanced approach helps us gain a clear understanding of our strengths and areas that need attention.


Celebrate and Improve

Please use this survey as an opportunity to celebrate areas of strength and highlight areas for potential improvement. Your constructive feedback is essential in helping us create a supportive and thriving school community.


I appreciate your time and effort in completing the survey. Your voice does matter, and together, we can continue to build a school environment where every student can succeed.


Kind Regards,









