Student Awards

Student of the Week Awards
Monday 22 July, 2024 | Student Name | For... |
1K | Jasper G
Jake M
| Your genuine kindness and caring nature towards your peers. Keep it up Jasper! Reading really well and being a fantastic contributor in our reading sessions. |
1M | 1M | Showing kindness, determination and making a fantastic start to term 3! |
2D | Evie D | Her focused effort when learning to solve multiplication problems. Great work Evie! |
2H | Juliet I | Being a delightful, creative, funny, positive and enthusiastic member of 2H! |
2/3Q | Patrick D | Offering insightful ideas about our class novel to our discussions. Well done on a great start to Term 3! |
3G | Tommy C | Being an enthusiastic and inclusive classmate, consistently looking out for his peers. |
3O | Izzy L | Demonstrating excellence in the classroom and this week teaching us some Italian!! |
4D | Owen I | Being an amazing friend and class member in 4D. |
4P | Arabella J | Her wonderful open-ended questions to promote discussion about ‘Edward Tulane’. |
5I | Makaela G | Starting the term with a positive attitude towards her learning and for always giving her best. |
5Y | Xander M | His amazing insights during our class discussions, particularly in Genius Hour! Keep up the amazing work! |
5/6M | Mason S | Consistently showing the school value of Respect to his teachers and peers. Keep it up! |
6D | Charlotte D | Her amazing prediction about our novel Wonder being a metaphor for growing up and changing. |
6M | Indi C | Continuing to challenge herself and always approaching her maths with a positive attitude. |
Art | Annika P | Her work in making her delightful tooth fairy pot. |
Mandarin | Hayley E | Her great enthusiasm and excellent work on saying days of the week in Mandarin. |
PE | Jeyda A | Selection at the Region SSV Netball trials. Well done Jeyda! |