In the Classroom

Gardening with Mrs Higgins

Thank you Aaron for the donations of the lettuce and spring onions!

Remembrance Day Activities

Last Friday we discussed and reflected on what Remembrance Day is and why we commemorate it. 


The students are doing a great job at showing their thinking and working out for maths word problems and questions. 


Look at the fun ways the students get to engage with Bible Stories with Mr Hunt!


In Science with Lindsay, Evie-Lee, Chanse and Leroy 

In Science and Technology in K-2 classroom we have been investigating why animals have homes and the need for animals to have shelter, food and somewhere to keep their family safe. Students have investigated different types of animal homes and how they suit the needs of the animals who live there. 

We have also been having a lot of interesting conversations whilst exploring what happens when habitats change, and some living things can no longer have their needs met.  The students also discussed the reasons why animals may have to leave their homes and what steps people can take to help them. 


We then completed a Design and Production activity to encourage birds into an area. We researched the food different types of birds eat and then decided on what type of bird would be most suitable to create a bird feeder for in our area. 

The students then designed their bird feeder based on their understanding that scientists work together and make safe choices when using materials and equipment.  Following this the students then built their bird feeders and predicted what would happen when it was hung outside. 

Lindsay and Chanse have created their bird feeders that they designed, and they are making modifications to be able to hang them in the trees so that they stay there during winds and rains!! Unfortunately, Leroy and Evie-Lee were away so they haven’t created their bird feeders just yet. 

We will evaluate our predictions and let you know of the outcomes in a future update. 

In Science with Valerie, Chaise, Sophie and Eddie 

In Science and Technology so far this term with years 3 – 6, we have been busy learning about living organisms that survive in extreme environments. We met the toughest animals on Earth, the tiny tardigrade and explored how other living things survive the extreme conditions of the harshest environments on Earth.  The students are currently working on observing, researching and developing scientific explanations about extreme environments and their inhabitants. I aim to be able to share with you their findings which they are presenting digitally in the next couple of weeks.  

P.S. If you don’t know what a tardigrade is, I recommend checking it out – they are amazing critters.  They can live in boiling water and solid ice!! 

Collage Creations  

Last week if you looked very carefully beneath the mountains of leaves, wool, string, paper, cardboard, seeds, pencils, scissors, glue – mountains of glue, twigs, banksias, feathers, bracken ferns, pine needles and material scraps you may have just been lucky enough to get a sneak peek of the four very busy students working extremely hard and completely engrossed in creating their masterpiece collages. 

Leroy created a collage of a bird, Evie diligently worked on her witch collage, Chanse created a self-portrait and Lindsay made a collage of some lizards lazing in the sun.  Mrs Crawford also couldn’t contain herself and joined in the fun creating a bird and a dragonfly (with a 1 hundreth of the amount of glue that the students used!) 

The students then used the collages as a stimulus for writing. The task was to write about the process of the collage and describe what they created. The second part of the task was to write about the subject of the collage. 

This is an activity based on the incredible books and collage illustrations of Jeannie Baker. We have been reading and studying Where the Forest Meets the Sea by Jeannie Baker and we have really enjoyed the literacy activities whilst learning about rainforests and the changes that can occur to landscapes over time. It also has themes of conservation and history.