Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

Kindergarten Transition Program

This week will be the last week of our 2023 Transition program. We have loved having the Transition students come to school each Thursday and participate in the activities and everyday activities happening at the school.  We can't wait to see the transition students everyday next year as the Kindergarten students!!

Kamilaroi Cultural Day with Uncle Lennie Waters

Last week we had a day with Uncle Lennie Waters who came and told us some cultural stories, some art and language. We were also fortunate to have a look at some artefacts of the Kamilaroi people such as the different boomerangs, the fresh water muscle shells, a dilly bag and some emu eggs. The students enjoyed using ochre to create some artworks. The language session was very interesting and I have included a photo of the whiteboard with some of the words we learnt and discussed. It was a very informative day and the students were to be commended for their attentiveness throughout the day, particularly the transition students.




Building Resilience Through Healthy Competition 

In our school, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only academically strong but also resilient. One powerful tool we utilise to promote resilience among our students is healthy competition. While competition often carries negative connotations, it can be a valuable and positive experience that contributes to the development of important life skills, including resilience. Healthy competition is beneficial for building resilience in our young learners. 


Humans learn from challenges. Healthy competition exposes students to challenges and obstacles that they must overcome to achieve success. Through these experiences, students learn to develop resilience by facing difficulties head-on and finding ways to persevere. They realise that setbacks and failures are not the end but opportunities for growth and improvement. 


Developing grit and determination prepares students for future challenges. Competing in various activities fosters a sense of determination and perseverance. Students understand that success requires effort, practice, and dedication. They learn to set goals, work hard, and persist even when faced with obstacles. This mindset of grit and determination built through healthy competition prepares them for future challenges in academics and life. 


A large part of resilience is being able to manage your emotions. Competition provides an avenue for students to experience a range of emotions, including excitement, nervousness, and disappointment. It teaches them to manage their emotions effectively and cope with both success and failure. Students learn to celebrate their achievements with humility and handle disappointments with grace. These emotional skills contribute to their overall resilience in dealing with various situations throughout life. 


Building Self-Confidence can be developed through healthy competition as it allows students to recognise their abilities, strengths, and areas for improvement. As they engage in friendly competitions, they gain confidence in their skills and talents. The experience of successfully accomplishing goals and surpassing their own expectations boosts their self-esteem and self-belief. This enhanced self-confidence becomes a pillar of resilience as they face new challenges in their academic and personal lives. 


Through promoting collaboration and sportsmanship whilst engaging in healthy competition, students learn the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and sportsmanship. They understand that while they strive for personal success, it is equally crucial to respect and support their peers. Collaborating with others in a competitive environment fosters a sense of community and empathy, where students learn to celebrate the achievements of their peers and appreciate the value of collective success. 


Embracing healthy competition in our school not only encourages students to excel but also cultivates resilience. By facing challenges, developing determination, managing emotions, building self-confidence, and promoting collaboration, our students grow stronger and better prepared to face the ups and downs of life. As educators and parents/carers, it is our responsibility to provide opportunities for healthy competition, ensuring that our students develop resilience and become well-rounded individuals ready to tackle future endeavors and challenges.