From the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends,
Today I was at the term 4 Outer East Principals’ forum. These forums are an opportunity to connect with other government school principals and are crucial in terms of keeping our school aligned to the outcomes set out by the Department of Education. The key themes of today were:
- Ensuring a positive transition between kinder-primary school-secondary school
- The importance of effective school leadership
- Planning for 2024 at a school level
These are all things we have in mind. During term 4, our grade 6 teachers start working with our students to prepare them for the structures of secondary school, this includes remembering what to bring to class! We are already underway with our prep transition sessions, having had the first session on the 17th of October.
A focus in our Annual Implementation Plan for 2023 has been on the development of leadership across our school. We have worked with an external consultant on this goal and the outcomes have been extremely impactful. We will continue with this work in 2024.
Over the next month, our staff will review our goals and actions from 2023 and start to plan for 2024. This work is essential to ensuring we stay on track with our Startegic Plan and sets our work for the following year. Our number 1 priority as a school is to achieve positive outcomes for all students, as such we constantly look for ways to get better at what we do.
I anticipate many of you are planning an extended long weekend with the Melbourne Cup holiday on Tuesday. If you already know that your child will be away on Monday, please enter the absence through Compass as it will allow our teachers to plan ahead and ensure that the day is effectively utilised for those attending and for teachers to make a start on assessment and reporting.
Earlier this week, our athletes participated at the SSV State Track and Field Championships. It is an amazing effort to make it to the finals of these competitions and our students should be very proud.
Teagan- 6th Girls 12/13 High Jump
James S- 5th Multiclass Shot Put
James S- 9th Multiclass 100m
James S- 8th Multiclass Long Jump
Kaeley- 7t Girls 9/10 100m
Girls 12/13 relay- 4th
Boys 12/13 relay- 6th
Congratulations to all our athletes for their resilience, persistence and hard work over the 2023 school year.
2024 Classes
The end of year will be on us before we know it and planning for 2023 is well underway. If there is anyone who has not yet enrolled, or knows someone who hasn’t, please encourage them to do so immediately. Likewise, if for any reason you are not returning to LPS in 2023, please advise the office in writing ASAP.
Teachers have started the long and considered task of placing students in their 2024 classes. Each year, we receive a small amount of requests from parents reminding or informing us of concerns about their child’s social, emotional or academic requirements that need to be considered in their class placement. If you believe you have information about your child related to these issues that needs to be considered for class placement for 2024, and you think your child’s teacher is not aware of it, please put the information in writing to me via the school email or drop it off at the office by Friday 10th November.
Parents should know that teachers from the current year work together to carefully place students in their future classes. Classroom teachers are best placed to do this, as they see your children every day in the class and whole school setting and get to know them and their learning and social needs better than anyone else in school. This year we will let parents know the date that students are completing friendship requests, so that families may discuss this at home prior. Requests for specific teachers will not be considered.
In the past we have received requests for children to not be placed with other children. These requests are considered on a yearly basis, meaning that a request in prep can not be considered for the entirety of a child's schooling. Please also be advised that the requests need to specifically relate to your child, not a general concern.
Adam Wight, Principal