Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

3rd November 2023

School Review

The four day school review wrapped up yesterday. Along with being a celebration of the work and achievements of the school over the last several years, the review also identified some areas that the school can continue to strive towards and improve upon. The results of the review will be shared with the school community early next year after the review report has been finalised. Thanks to the parents who attended the parent forum last week, as well as the school council president, Dina Pogrebnoy who has attended some of the review days.


Prep and other year levels Enrolment 2024

We still have a few places for prep and in some other year levels next year available (as a few families has moved away from the school). If you have any friends or family that are interested in enrolling in prep or other year levels next year, please contact the office and fill in a application form via the website.


World Teacher's Day

Last Friday we celebrated World Teacher's Day. It's a great honour and privilege to be working alongside such a remarkable team of teachers. THANK YOU! I encourage families to express your gratitude for our teachers that support your children, as they learn, grow, play and develop.


Warmer Weather, Jumpers and Hats

As everyone would be aware, the weather is beginning to warm up hence we remind all of the students to bring their sun smart hat to school. If a child does not have a sun smart hat at school, they will be required to play under the eating area, remember “No hat no play!” 


There are also many jumpers in lost property that have been handed in that have NO names. Please name your children's clothing so they can find it. 


Term 4 Curriculum Days

There will be two curriculum days in Term 4 on:


Friday 24th November (report writing day)

Monday 4th December (staff planning day for 2024)


Students are not required at school on these days as well as on Tuesday 7th November which is the Melbourne Cup public holiday. Please note the day before, Monday 6th November is a normal school day.


Michael Ramsey
