Wellbeing & Engagement

Nik Skrob 

Assistant Principal 

Wellbeing and Learning Support

Autism Inclusion Teacher Update 

On 30 October, I will be attending an Autism Inclusion Teacher (AIT) conference in Adelaide. 

The conference will help AITs to: 

  • connect and collaborate with other AIT leaders 
  • develop their knowledge and skills around autism and anxiety 
  • understand action research 

I look forward to attending the conference and bringing back the learning back to LNPS. 

National Student Voice and Learner Agency Workshops

The Fisher professional learning team have nominated 8 students from Fisher to participate in the upcoming Learner Agency Workshops on 6 November. 


These opportunities have been created by the Chief Executive of the Department for Education, Martin Westwell to enable students to continue their involvement in the discussion on the purpose of public education in South Australia, and in particular learner agency. 


I look forward to supporting students during this workshop and ensuring that LNPS students share their voice to inform the purpose of public education in South Australia. 


Please keep an eye out for consent forms if your child has been nominated to participate. 


This term, I have also supported 19 students from Fisher to apply for the National Student Voice (NSV) by running multiple application writing workshops. 


The NSV is intended to be a mechanism for empowering student voice and placing student perspectives' on the national policy agenda to inform the work of Education Ministers. The group will meet with Education Ministers twice yearly, once in person (may involve interstate travel, parents/carers are able to accompany & the department will cover travel costs) in the second half of the year to coincide with the Education Ministers meeting. 


Please keep your fingers crossed for the students from LNPS who have applied to win a position. I wish all the applicants the best of luck! 

September Aussies of the Month

Congratulations to our September Aussies of the Month! Our Aussie of the Month Awards recognise students who 'live and breathe' the LNPS school values: CARE & CONCERN, RESPECT, HONESTY and PURSUIT of EXCELLENCE. Please read further to find out who the September Aussies of the Month are and what their teachers had to say about them. 


Early Years Winner  - Clara K - M5

Early Years - Clara Kennedy
Early Years - Clara Kennedy

Clara is kind, courteous and always willing to help others. She aims for excellence in her learning, thinking deeply, enthusiastically sharing her ideas with others and reflecting on others’ contributions. Congratulations on earning this well-deserved award!

Mrs Kroemer


Torrens  Winner - Katerina Z - T19

Torrens - Katerina Zaikas
Torrens - Katerina Zaikas

Katerina, congratulations on your Aussie of the Month award! Not one moment of the day goes by without you modelling all of our school values. You are a genuinely kind and empathetic person who goes out of their way to make people feel appreciated. Your strong passion for learning is something to admire, continuously seeking feedback and sharing work which you are proud of completing with effort. It has been a pleasure to see you grow each day into the person you are becoming, don't change for anyone! You are most deserving of this recognition and keep being a superstar. 

Mr Bayly


Fisher Winner  - Vassi Z - F14

Fisher - Vassi Zaikis
Fisher - Vassi Zaikis

Vassi is a wonderful individual who embodies our LNPS values. She is a positive, enthusiastic and committed learner who continues to challenge herself and seeks regular feedback to be successful in all that she does. Vassi frequently shows random acts of kindness such as a friendly greeting, holding the door open or offering a helping hand to those in need.  A highly trusted and responsible student who is becoming a wonderful role-model. Vassi, it has been an absolute pleasure watching you strive for excellence this year. You are a terrific recipient for this award, congratulations! 

Miss Amy