School News 


Welcome back to all families, students and staff to Term 4. We hope everyone had a lovely holiday. It has been a great return for the final term of 2023, and it has been exciting to see all our students excited to be back at school. 


Just a reminder that all students need to be wearing hats when outside. Hats are available through the Uniform Shop on Monday morning, Wednesday after school or via the online shop Students who don't have hats will be required to sit in shaded areas. 


The Department for Education has recently released a new purpose statement for public education along with a strategy for bringing that purpose to life in schools and preschools across South Australia. These documents are based on extensive consultation with children and young people across the state, staff, parents/carers and community members.

A group of our students attended consultation forums last year and more will be involved in online learner workshops to provide further feedback to the department this term.


The strategy identifies 4 key areas of impact:


• Learner agency

• Effective learners

• Equity & excellence


These areas will be prioritised and resourced to deliver on our system's purpose and to ensure all children and young people learn and thrive and enter the world beyond the classroom ‘ready to learn and to create opportunities to live a satisfying and fulfilling life of their choosing’.


The strategy aligns very closely with our school improvement plan and our focus on Future Focussed Education. This includes our focus on well-being as a necessary foundation for successful learning, our commitment to student connectedness, belonging and agency, both within the classroom and across the school, our focus on School Values and Learner Qualities and our work on inclusive curriculum and pedagogy and evidence-informed high-impact teaching strategies.


At our Pupil Free Day on Monday 13th November, we will be digging deeper into the strategy and how it will support further growth and improvement.  


If you are interested in finding out more about the new strategy, you can find more information here.


Class Placement

Thank you to all the families who provided supporting information regarding their child/ren for the 2024 class placement. The window to provide information has been extended until Friday 10th November. Please email or  by Friday 10th November. 



Tyson and Mirjana