Bahasa News

VCE Indonesian  

Well done to all VCE students for your effort, practice and preparation for the VCE Indonesian oral and written exams. Performance exams can be daunting, and we congratulate the students for trying their very best. Remember, at the end of the day, you have acquired the skill to understand and speak in Indonesian, and that is a great achievement! We wish all students the very best in their exams. 


Cerita Anak - Children’s Stories 

As part of cultural learning, junior Indonesian students created children story books that would be read to students in the primary schools on an assigned day. They worked in groups and designed beautiful books on Three little pigs and Goldilocks and the three bears in Indonesian. They also read and talked about their stories to the class. Wonderful work! 

Tyler and Shanelle creating their story books
Tyler and Shanelle creating their story books



Indonesian children story books
Indonesian children story books



Year 8 students creating Indonesian children story books
Year 8 students creating Indonesian children story books



Prema Devathas,  

Curriculum Area Leader and Indonesian teacher