Staff Spotlight

Brian Yo

Brian Yong - Staff Spotlight

1.How Long have you been teaching for, and how long have you spent that teaching at Heathmont?

I’ve been teaching full time in Melbourne for 14 years of which 5 was at Heathmont.


2. What's been your favourite experience at Heathmont?

It’s hard to say as there’s been so many from so many students. I’d have to say some of the quizzes in class have been especially memorable. Do enjoy the banter in class and some of the badminton rallies also rank up there as memories I’d take with me from Heathmont.


3. What is your favourite subject to teach?

I do love teaching History. I find that students find it most interesting from the subjects I teach.


3. What is the highest amount of whiteboard markers you've gone through in a year?

The highest I’ve ever gone through was 62 at Cranbourne but nearly half of them were not new. At Heathmont I’ve used 50+ with most of them new markers. This year so far is 39 for only 3 terms which isn’t too far off either.


4. What is your favourite part of teaching?

Seeing students academically while they also create an ethos within the classroom where they work together and create a sense of belonging that’s unique to that class. I’ve had many classes that have done so with the current History class and EAL classes of previous years particular standouts.


5. If you were deserted on Tasmania by yourself, what is one thing you'd bring with you and why?


If I can’t get a satellite phone to get help or a survival pack to last the journey, I’d have to go with a thermal emergency blanket. It’s reflective enough to get attention in the day time and capable of keeping me warm at night- if it’s big enough I can use some of it to perhaps get morning dew from plants.


Interviewed by Patrick Knight

Year 11