Well done on Exams!

Exams are over once again.  


The Year 11’s finished their long week of exams and are preparing for their week of step up. As of this week, all Year 12’s finished their even longer two months of exams. We congratulate all for completing your exams in which ever year level you are. It is wonderful to see all students taking the time to revise the difficult subjects together, sharing encouraging words and facing the stress the exams may bring. 


It has been a difficult journey for you all in the past weeks but thankfully it has ended on a brighter note. From balancing what subject to study each day and to what colour pens you are allowed in the exam. I was thankful to have teachers, friends and family to help ease my worries and stress about the exams. 


Good luck Year 10’s as your exams begins and your classes finish for the year. 

Hoping everyone the best for their results. 


Steph Morgans 

Year 11