Marrung Education Plan

Campfire Conversation 


On Thursday 26th October, Heathmont College was proud to host "Campfire Conversations - Self Determination in Education" The evening brought together Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander families, young people, Heathmont staff and schools (Marlborough Primary School, Great Ryrie Primary School and Ringwood Secondary College) together to listen, share and connect about self-determination in education for our and network school’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. We were also lucky enough to have dinner catered by local restaurant, Embers.  The campfire conversations were about giving everyone a spot to sit, to listen share and connect with each other.  It was a place for storytelling and deep listening.   The purpose of the campfires, storytelling and deep listening was to: 

  • provide Koorie communities opportunities to define self-determination in education. 
  • explore possibilities for how self-determination could and should look in education. 
  • build and strengthen partnerships between Koorie communities and schools. 
  • highlight the benefits of self-determination for whole school communities. 
  • improve attendance, engagement and achievement for Koorie learners. 
  • develop a range of changes to improve agency and success for Koorie people in schools. 

Aboriginal Learning, Wellbeing and Safety Action Plan


Victorian Government schools are now required to provide Safety Action Plans which are specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.  Over the last couple of months, we have sought advice from students, families and other members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community to produce this document. 


We value what your opinions are on how we can make a safe environment for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Attached is a draft copy. Please feel free to read and provide any feedback/questions/comments etc by emailing 



Shane Hunt

Community Relationships & Connectedness