Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Cybersafety - School Family Partnership

In our changing world it is very clear our students spend a lot of time engaged on the internet outside of school hours. Some of this may be researching, looking into areas of interest or school work. In addition to this it is clear that many of our students spend a significant amount of time engaged in communicating with Nazareth friends in groups on social media. Unfortunately, this can at times have a negative impact on some students. At school our Pastoral and Wellbeing Staff spend a lot of time dealing with issues on social media and the vast majority of the incidents we are looking into do not occur at school or within the school day. They do, however, impact the wellbeing and also the learning of our students. 


At Nazareth we respect the role of the parents as the primary educators of their children and we work as a team to support your child(ren). In order for our school to do the best for your child and all the children in our community we need all students to be engaging at all times in a respectful manner on social media. As we work together we are asking all parents, guardians and carers to please monitor your child’s internet use and have conversations with them around the internet. If there are any things of concern in relation to the internet that are  impacting your child at school please contact your child’s Head of House. This will assist your child, other students and staff who are spending hours and hours following up social media incidents. We thank you in anticipation of your support. I would be very happy to talk further about this issue if you would welcome any contact.

School Pick Up

There have been a number of parents who have passed on concerns about students walking across Manning Drive, without using the pedestrian crossing, to meet parents waiting in cars. There also continues to be a lot of congestion of traffic during pick up times after school. For the safety of all members of our community and the smooth flowing of traffic we encourage all students to use the pedestrian crossings when crossing the road for their own safety. We also encourage parents, guardians and carers to pick up students off campus at an agreed place near the school in a quiet street to avoid the congestion for the benefit of all.

Looking Ahead

A few important dates looking ahead:

  • Yr 9 Exams continue to Friday 3 November
  • Mid semester break on Monday 6 November and Tuesday 7 November and hence no classes. Classes resume on Wednesday 8 November.
  • Yr 11 Exams commence on Monday 13 November and conclude Wednesday 22 November 
  • Yr 10 Exams commence on Thursday 16 November and conclude Thursday 23 November
  • Student free correction day Friday 24 November

Business End

As we move deeper into the term we are well and truly coming to the business end of the year. We encourage all students to continue working hard in the remaining few weeks to ensure they finish off the year with the results they deserve, and are able to demonstrate growth and development during the year.

God Bless.



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students