Upcoming dates 


03 - VCE Unit 3 & 4 External Exams (to 15/11/23)

      - Year 9 Exams

      - Intermediate Boys Basketball D away vs St John's

06 - Mid Semester break (no classes)

07 - Melbourne Cup Day - school closed

08 - Year 7 2024 Information Evening

09 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 am - all invited

      - Year 9 City Experience

      - TIMSS Maths & Science Study - selected Year 8s

      - Junior Girls Basketball B home vs Cornish

      - Junior Girls Volleyball B away vs Balcombe

      - Junior Boys Basketball D home vs Padua

      - Junior Boys Basketball C home vs Woodleigh

      - Junior Mixed Tennis away vs Padua

10 - Intermediate Girls Basketball A home vs Padua

      - Intermediate Boys Basketball D home vs Padua

      - Intermediate Boys Basketball C away vs Padua

13 - Year 11 Exams (to 22/11/23)

16 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 am - all welcome

      - Year 10 Exams (to 23/11/23)

      - Year 9 City Experience

      - Junior Boys Basketball C home vs Padua

      - Junior Boys Basketball D away vs Bayside

      - Junior Mixed Tennis home vs Woodleigh

      - Junior Girls Volleyball B home vs Woodleigh

      - Junior Girls Basketball B home vs Casey

      - Year 12 Valedictory Dinner 6.30 pm

17 - TIMISS Maths & Science Study - selected Year 8s

      - Intermediate Boys Basketball C home vs St Peter's

      - Intermediate Girls Basketball A away vs John Paul

19 - Japan Study Tour (to 04/12/23)

School Based Apprenticeship Wanted

Looking for an Electrician in the South East who mainly does Domestic Jobs.

Reliable, Responsible, Mature and Hard working Year 12 student 2024 seeking two days a week at work commencing their apprenticeship.

Qualifications – Completed Certificate II Electrotechnology (Pre App) 2023 and has completed work placement.

Please contact Caitlin.mackay@nazareth.vic.edu.au