Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth 


It has been wonderful to return from a significant period of leave and come back into the school seeing so many familiar faces and students engaged in learning, exams, and school activities.  I feel very privileged to have visited the 'Holy Land' and to be part of an 18 day pilgrimage.  We visited many Holy sites and were able to relate to many of the Biblical stories and places where we stood.


The people, a mixture of Palestinians, Israelites, Armenian, Muslims, etc were all working in harmony throughout our time of visiting.  There were no real signs of what was about to happen.  Our prayers are for peace and nonviolent resolutions without further killings and hardship.  I believe that we may be one of the last groups who travelled to the ‘Holy Land’ prior to the current turmoil.  Please see photos that I would like to share.  

I thank Claire Nailon, Justin Duckett, and the Leadership Team for taking on the governance of the school in my absence.  The school was in tremendous hands and I extremely grateful.  To the Year 12s and their families, the Presentation Evening and Mass was a new initiative which was embraced by all.  I thank all of you for your support and acknowledge the staff members for all they did to ensure that the Year 12 Awards and Mass was a commendable evening.  I look forward to seeing many families at the Year 12 Celebration Evening on Thursday 16 November 2023.


Recently, we received some data from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS)in response to the MACSSIS survey that was administered to staff, students and families.  It tends to give an overview on how the school is performing across different domains. Generally, families' perceptions are incredibly positive, however this year only twenty two (22) families responded. Hence, this will give a very limited representation of the cohort.  We hope for a greater number of participants in the future, especially as one of our goals is to improve parent engagement.


Staff members, together with students, highlighted some commendations and also some areas where the College can improve.  In the coming weeks staff, students and the College Leadership Team hope to take this snapshot and incorporate some areas into our 2024 Annual Action Plan in the hope to continue improvements.


We are continuing to recruit new staff for the 2024 school year.  Currently we are in search of an ICT Technician which has been advertised through our College webpage -


In 2024 the student timetable will have new commencement and finishing times.  The school will commence at 8.40 am and conclude at 3.03 pm, except for each Tuesday (Day 2 & Day 7) where students will conclude at 2.20 pm.  These changes will accommodate 5 x 60 minute periods each day except Day 2 & Day 7 when there will be 4 x 60 minute periods.  More information will be distributed regarding 2024 changes at a later date.


Keep safe, and God bless



Mr Sam Cosentino
