Parent Information

Front Office
A friendly reminder to inform the front office of the following:
- Notify the front office when your child is absent due to illness, family reasons etc.
- Notify the front office when students are being picked up before the usual dismissal time.
- Notify the front office when students are going on an extended absence, and remember that there's a form available through the front office for this purpose.
Scholastic Catalogue
Scholastic catalogues have been sent home with students this week. Orders are only being accepted via the Loop ordering system. No cash will be accepted.
If you need help to do this please come and talk to us at the front office. Scholastic apps are available to download for both Apple and Android devices to make ordering through the Loop system easier. There is the option to mark your purchases as GIFTS. When these books arrive you will be contacted directly, rather than books going home with students.
Please also note that some titles offered, differ from the Christian ethos followed by the school. Orders need to be placed via LOOP by TODAY (Thursday 26th October 2023)
Happy reading everyone!
Wendy Janetzki
Growing Faith at Home
October 31st is a special day on our church calendar. We celebrate the Reformation! What’s that you may ask? It is linked back to just over 500 years ago, when Martin Luther posted 95 statements on the church door (which was a bit like a bulletin board back in the day). It caused quite a reaction! From his study of God’s Word, he discovered that our salvation (through Jesus dying and rising again in payment for our sin) is God’s gift of grace to us, that we receive through faith... It isn’t something that we can earn through good works. That takes so much pressure off us. We don’t have to earn his approval and love... This week’s GFH resource gives you some ideas to discuss with your families at home.
Happy Reformation Day everyone!
Lunch Time Club Timetable
Please see the Term 4 Lunchtime Club timetable attachment below. It shows students and families what’s on at lunch time.
We would encourage you to use this to help your child reflect on their day and talk about what they played and who they played with at lunch time. It can also be a great tool to use to help your child plan their lunch time, if they are looking for options to connect with their peers in places other than the playground. If you would like a paper copy, please see the Front Office and they will be able to print one for your family. Thank you for all your support in making these clubs happen. It is very much appreciated.
Seesaw Update
We wanted to keep you in the loop and share that on October 27th (tomorrow, Seesaw is launching an exciting new logo, app icon, and website. The functionality of the Seesaw platform will not change.
How will this affect families?
We recommend families update the app as soon as possible. We have created and are sharing resources for teachers to share with families to help them update at home.