Student Wellbeing 


Good Vibes in Tricky Times

Life has been a bit nuts lately, huh? Between the pandemic, crazy weather, and all the other chaos, it’s easy to feel like we’re on a rollercoaster with no seatbelt. But fear not – we’ve got some tips to help you ride the wave of global craziness and com out on top!


Feel the feels: First things first, it’s totally OK to feel all the feels. Whether you’re mad, sad confused, or just downright frustrated, embrace it. We’re all in this together, navigating the same storm. 


Reach Out to Your Crew: No one should have to tackle this whirlwind alone. Connect with your mates, family, or even your favourite teacher who always has good advice. Share what’s on your mind and lend an ear to others. We’re like a squad of emotional superheroes – Stronger together.


Treat Yo’Self: Life’s wild, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a breather. Treat yourself to some “me time”. Whether it’s binge-watching your favourite show, listening to or making music, or just chilling with mates, find what brings you peace. 


Stay in the Loop (But Not 24/7): Sure, its good to know what’s happening globally, but drowning in a sea of bad news? Not cool. Set some boundaries on your news time and mix in a healthy dose of cute animal videos or memes. Laughter is seriously the best medicine. 


Do Something Awesome: Feeling a bit powerless? Take matters into your own hands. Get involved in clubs, volunteer, or just do something that aligns with your passions. Being part of positive change – it’s a superhero power we all have. 


Ask for a Hand (No Shame): If things get too heavy, it’s totally OK to ask for help. Talk to your Wellbeing team, a teacher, or anyone you trust. They’ve got the tools to help you ride out the storm. 


Remember we’re all figuring this out as we go. Let’s keep the vibe positive, support each other, and show the world that we can handle anything it throws our way. 

It’s crucial for young people to know what support is available to them. Here is a list of resources and support systems that can help you navigate the challenges of global trauma:


Student Wellbeing: Reach out to the schools Wellbeing Department. Wellbeing is there to provide guidance, support and a listening ear. They can offer advice on coping strategies and connect you with additional resources if needed.


Teachers: Your teachers are often approachable and willing to help. Don’t hesitate to talk to them about what you’re going through – they might have valuable insights or be able to direct you to the right resources.


Friends and Family: Your support system starts with those closest to you. Share your thoughts and feelings with friends and family members who care about you. Sometimes, just talking about what’s going on can make a big difference.


Mental Health Hotlines: Hotlines such as Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), Lifeline (13 11 14) provide a confidential and supportive space to talk about your feelings. They are staffed by trained professionals who can offer guidance and resources.


Therapists and Counsellors: Professional mental health support is invaluable. If needed seek, out therapists or counsellors in your community. Many therapists also offer online sessions, providing flexibility and accessibility.


Local Community Centres: Community centres often host events and programs that can bring people together. Check out what’s happening in your local community and get involved in activities that interest you.


Volunteer Organisations: Volunteering can be a fulfilling way to make a positive impact, on your community. It Allows your to connect with others who share similar values and gives you a sense of purpose.


Seeking support is a sign of strength, and there are people and resources ready to support you through tough times. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you need it.   

Breakfast Club - Now at Wellbeing

Breakfast Club is open to all students so please join us 8am - 8:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays at Wellbeing for some free healthy food to start your day!

Outgrown your Uniform?

If you have College uniform items in good conditions that you no longer wear, Wellbeing are looking for donations. Please drop washed uniform items at the General Office in a bag marked for Wellbeing. Thank you.


Youth Support services 

headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call headspace on 

1800 650 890.

Kids Helpline: 

1800 55 1800 or 


SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or

National 24/7 crisis services 

Lifeline:13 11 14 or 

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or 


1300 224 636 or


Student Wellbeing Team



Ashleigh Bibby - Leader of Wellbeing

Guiseppe Relia – Wellbeing Coordinator 

Talea-Jane Simpson – School Counsellor

Lea Marrison - Mental Health Practitioner

Tajinder Wulff - Mental Health Practitioner