Grade 6 News

This week's newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leaders Bella and Charlie alongside a couple of special guests; Sienna, Tyler and Jimmy.
Important Reminders
- Government high school acceptance forms are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible.
- Thank you for getting the sports uniforms washed and returned. The process will continue across multiple events in Term 4.
Upcoming Dates
December 9th - Senior School Bike Ride
December 13th - Senior School Trivia Day
December 17th - Pool & Movies Excursion
December 18th - Grade 6 Graduation
Thursday, December 19th: Last Assembly 1:00pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last day of Term. Dismissal at 1:30pm
Friday, December 20th: Curriculum Day - Student Free
Learning in Action
Γειά σου (Hello), I mean Hello, These last few weeks have been packed with scrapbooking. You know I’m starting to get sick of it. Just kidding, I could never get sick of it! We’ve been pasting, writing and glamoring all of our scrapbooking pages. I personally am so excited to present our scrapbooks in only two weeks. The Grade 6s have started a new program, an interactive spelling program. The information on the program is all held in a number of slides. It’s extremely fun, But I must leave again readers, so Αντίο (Goodbye)
All students across Grade 6 have completed a Valedictorian Speech. They reflected on their primary school journey and pondered the next steps in their school life. Students voted on their favourite speeches, which will be presented in front of the cohort and a panel of judges. We can’t wait to hear the winner’s speech presented at Graduation.
Preview for Learning: For the remainder of the term, students will be completing their final scrapbook pieces capturing their time at LPS to serve as a memoir for the future. They will be working hard to present these pieces in a creative scrapbook.
By Bella G
Work on the chance fair has swiftly erupted, with designing our chance games and starting work on building our machines to scam our parents of their counters. By the way if you would like to come along its on the (put the date there please) and we would love to scam you, I mean entertain you, yeah that's what I meant.
We've also been doing a slightly less exciting unit in maths, a maths review. So incredible, heh yeah, awesome! While it's boring it really helps us recap our year of maths learning really quickly even though it feels like hours, that's basically it because we are wrapping up our year of learning so that's all from me, ciao!
Preview for Learning: For the remainder of the term, students will be learning about probability and applying their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages to calculate theoretical and experimental probability. This will culminate in our ‘Chance Fair’ where students create and play games that rely on probability. Additionally, each grade is revisiting mathematical concepts with reviews in the classroom.
By Charlie P
With a view on jobs and future careers, let’s have a look at some of the learning that has been happening across Grade 6 this term.
Kayla - 6M
There are some different jobs under the industry of arts\entertainment here are some:
Actor, Makeup Artist, Photographer, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Animator, Camera Operator, Dance, Fashion Designer, Choreographer, Curator, Illustrator, Art Professor, Artist, Audio Engineer, Gallery Assistant, Event Manager, Craft Artist, Editor, Author, Producer, Coaches and Scouts, Broadcast, Technician, DJ
To start your clothing brand you’re going to need a business model.
- What do you want to sell?
- Who is your target market?
- How are you different from your competitors?
- How will you make money?
My friends and I are designing clothes with a brand that we want to reflect who we are. Plus, we want clothes that we would want to buy.
Nathan - 6M
Open Water Swimby Ava P
The day began with everyone gathering around to eat lunch. After a little while, we split into 5 different groups and began with our activities.
There were three water activities, including boogie boarding, life jacket practice and we had to save our friends using everyday objects we may find/use on the beach. Everyone was going wild and having so much fun, running around and pretending to scream for help. We had to practice using objects that are everywhere, in case we ever find ourselves in a situation where we had to rescue ourselves or others from any event that may occur while trying to enjoy our day out at a beach, lake or even river!
The land activities included; learning about the beach rules and what they mean, as well as learning how to help someone in danger if they are unconscious/not breathing, in water and on land. Overall, everyone learned so much about the beach and how to go and behave safely. We learnt how to perform CPR, just in case we ever come across a problem and now we are pretty much professionals.
The day at Lysterfield lake started at 11:00 and ended at 2:45. When we got back to school, we just got to hang out with everyone else in year 6 and talked about the big, exciting day we just had.
Sport by Jack G
LFL - The past few weeks the senior school has been participating in LFL (Lysterfield Football League) LFL is where teachers' teams head to head in a footy game and try and make it to the final round. Here are some action shots:
Icy Poles
We have recommenced selling icy poles from the Senior School building each Monday and Tuesday. Send along some gold coins as it will help with raising funds for Graduation.