Grade 5 News

Important Reminders


Upcoming Dates

Tuesday 3rd December - Year 5 Market Day & Carols Night

Wednesday 4th of December - House Captain Speeches

Monday 9th of December - Senior School Bike Ride 

Tuesday 10th of December - 2025 Classes Released

Friday 13th of December - Senior School Trivia

Monday 16th December - Passion Projects Open Morning

Tuesday 17th December - Parent Helper Morning Tea

Thursday 19th December - Last Day of Term (1.30pm dismissal) 

Learning in Action


To support our work on our Passion Projects, we have revisited our Persuasive unit and our Informative unit.


While learning about the persuasive genre, we discussed the different types of persuasive devices we can use to upgrade our writing. Some were emotive words, lists of 3, quoted and reported speech, statistics and facts. We also explored the importance of a topic sentence in a paragraph to give an insight into what the remainder of the paragraph will be about.


Whilst learning about information reports, we looked at the main idea of a text or a passage. Students were required to identify the main ideas for several passages. They also practised summarising information by highlighting the key points and writing a short summary in their own words.


During writing sessions, we have been enthusiastically working on our passion projects. Each student has chosen a topic that they are passionate about and are using it as a stimulus to write a narrative, a persuasive, an information report and a poem. Some popular topics across the grades include sporting teams, animals, celebrations, athletes and other celebrities. Once complete, the writing pieces are being printed and presented in a scrapbooking format ready to share with friends and families on our open morning on Monday, December 16th.


Preview for Learning

We will continue to work on our Passion Projects.



Over the past fortnight, students have been reviewing concepts from throughout the year with a particular focus on subtraction and division strategies. They have also completed their investigation on 2D shapes. Students were required to apply their knowledge of transformations by choosing a 2D shape and demonstrating what happens to it when they translate (slide), rotate (turn) or reflect (flip) it. 


Preview for Learning: 

In the upcoming weeks, we will be continuing our topic reviews with a focus on fractions. We will also be continuing our trial of 'daily review' lessons where students revisit learned concepts through a series of short tasks from across the entire grade 5 mathematics curriculum.



All of the students have been eagerly preparing for their Market Day Stalls on Tuesday, December 3rd. Please help your child make sure that they have organised the items that they committed to providing for their stall. A reimbursement of up to $20 per stall is available. If you would like to make a claim, please submit the form provided in a compass message a couple of weeks ago to the office on Market Day with the relevant receipts. 


Open Water Swim

Despite the weather not being as kind to us as we had hoped, the students all had an excellent time at the Open Water Swim Day at Lysterfield Lake on Monday. They learned how to identify their location to emergency services using the location beacon codes in popular public areas, how to perform CPR and how to safely rescue someone from the water. 


Waterford Valley Lakes Retirement Village Visit

Last week saw 5WH participate in the last of the intergenerational visits to Waterford Valley Lakes Retirement Village. The students and residents enjoyed some Christmas activities including making felt mice with candy cane tails and decorating Christmas boxes and Christmas cookies. The students across all the classes have thoroughly enjoyed their visits to the retirement village this semester. 



From the Grade 5 Teachers

Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey

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