Grade 4 News

Important Reminders/Dates
Looking forward to Term 4
Friday, November 29th: Up Session 2 - 2pm
Tuesday, December 3rd: Christmas Carols: click below to practise the dance
Tuesday, December 10th: Statewide transition day
Friday, December 13th: Meet the teacher 2pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last Day Term 4 - 1.30pm Dismissal
Learning in Action
The fours have loved spending the past fortnight as authors, illustrators and publishers. Each student has spent time drafting, revising, publishing and illustrating each page of their buddy books. We are so impressed by the morals and messages they have included in their stories.
Below is an insight into a front cover, blurb and illustrations created by three of our grade 4 students.
The students have also begun brainstorming and drafting their persuasive pieces. We have revised what we learnt earlier in the year to help us remember what a persuasive piece contains, including an introduction, 3 arguments that have topic sentences and supporting details, as well as a conclusion. As a cohort we looked at the topic below to help us remember all the persuasive elements. We are looking forward to reading what the grades 4s would like to convince us about!
Preview for Learning: Students will continue working on their persuasive pieces.
Word Work:
This fortnight in Numeracy, students finished their unit on decimals. They represented decimals as pictures, using MAB, fractions, and on a number line. Students worked hard in their goal groups, focusing on a range of decimal strategies, and finalised the unit with a ‘prove-it’ sheet where they demonstrated their understanding of decimals.
To celebrate our measurement investigation, students completed a ‘gallery walk’, where they looked at the amazing creations their peers had made. Students showcased their sculptures, which demonstrated their knowledge of mass, capacity, volume, temperature, and fractions.
Preview for Learning: In our applied unit, students will apply decimal knowledge to money while looking at angles.
Over the past fortnight, the Grade 4's have wrapped up our knowledge-rich unit on World Lakes. We learnt about the Gippsland Lakes catchment area, understanding that it is actually a diverse environment with lagoons, rivers, creeks, woodlands, coastal areas and much more!
The students reviewed their learning from the term before completing a post-assessment. We are so impressed by the increase in their understanding! Here are a few things the 4's have now learnt:
“The water in Lake Baikal is really clear, which makes it seem much shallower than it is!”
“The pink, orange hues at Lake Eyre are created by salt-loving algae.”
“The Caspian Lake is the largest in the world!”
Students have continued discussing problems they can solve and those they need to ask for help. They identified strategies they can use to withdraw from a situation involving conflict or violence to protect their own or others’ safety. See the example below.
Preview for learning: To finish the year, students will look at completing various activities from the Friendology Journal to reflect on their learning this year.
From The Grade 4 Teachers