Grade 3 News

Important Reminders
Upcoming dates/Important Info
Christmas Concert - 3rd December, 5.30pm, beginning with a sausage sizzle at 4.30pm
Christmas Concert (back up date) - 5th December, 5.30pm
Meet your teacher and 2025 Grade - 10th December
Meet your teacher and 2025 Grade - 13th December
Last day of Term 4 - 19th December, 1.30pm Finish
Curriculum Day - 20th December
Homework 👍Mathletics and reading. For those wishing to practise their Maths Masters skills, we have linked the belts with some online games. Your child should be able to tell you what belt they are practising
NO Hat NO play Sunsmart policy
Learning in Action
Over the past fortnight, students have planned and drafted their persuasive writing piece, which links to our Inquiry topic of renewable and non-renewable energies. Students have worked hard to include at least three reasons with examples to support their argument. Our Reading sessions have linked closely, with students reading and analysing persuasive texts, helping them to pinpoint the different persuasive devices used and the impact these have on the reader. During our grammar writing lessons, we have further explored ‘action’ and ‘being’ verbs. Students created their own mini anchor chart to help them categorise these verbs. They also formed their own sentences, attempting to include both types of verbs.
Students will revise and edit their persuasive piece, considering the persuasive devices used and how they can enhance their argument. They will do this by including emotive language, exaggeration, modal verbs and facts.
Students enjoyed some virtual shopping, selecting items from a supermarket catalogue, adding up their total cost, and then calculating how much, if any, change they would receive when spending $10 and then $20. When learning about symmetry, they were able to get creative, constructing 2D or even 3D pictures and patterns using shape blocks, which their partner then had to replicate, ensuring all aspects were symmetrical. More recently students have been revising maths concepts such as months and special dates, expanded notation, such as 3871 is 3000+800+70+1 and number patterns. We introduced angles including right, acute and obtuse, and explored real life examples.
Students will continue reviewing math concepts with a focus on solving worded problems, along with further exploration of angles.
During the past fortnight, students have been busy picking their preferred type of energy from the four rotations that they had previously completed; solar, wind, hydro-electric and fossil fuels. Students have then been designing and building a diorama to show an element of that energy source, with some students showcasing how the energy type is made or collected, and others demonstrating how the energy type is used. Students have had to think about their constructions carefully, how they can assemble their designs and what materials are needed to make their masterpieces. We appreciate student and parent resourcefulness in bringing in materials from home, and encourage students to continue to do so as they think of new and creative ways to construct their dioramas.
Students will continue to work on their dioramas in the coming weeks, finishing them off and sharing them with other students.
This past fortnight, students have enjoyed becoming a Friendship Ninja as the students have reviewed key concepts learnt over the year. Students have reviewed friendship facts, using the Friend-o-Meter to help determine unhealthy and healthy friendships and deal breakers. Students looked at ingredients that they want within a friendship, such as being trustworthy, honest, kind and someone that listens to you. Students had the opportunity to choose 4 different friends and record the qualities that make them a good friend.
Looking ahead, students will continue to participate in different activities to review the content students have learnt over the course of the year to make them an elite Friendship Ninja!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Grade 3 Team,
Mrs Stokol, Miss Du Vallon, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Huxley and Mrs Rosewarne