Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Tuesday, December 3: Christmas Concert
Tuesday, December 10: Meet your Teacher and 2025 grade 9:30am - 10:30am
Friday, December 13: 2025 Teacher and class. 2:00pm - 2:40pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last Assembly 1:00pm
Thursday, December 19th: Last day of Term. Dismissal at 1:30pm
Friday, December 20th: Curriculum Day - Student Free
Author Study Day
What a fantastic day we had celebrating Oliver Jeffers for our Author Study Day. The students all came dressed up as their favourite character from one of the books we had read over the term. We enjoyed a fabulous red carpet where students could showcase their costumes, followed by getting snapped by the paparazzi with our main characters. During the rest of the day, we read the book 'Lost and Found' followed by watching the movie. We had a discussion about similarities and differences and noted these in a Venn diagram. Our next video we watched was 'Here We Are' and students enjoyed eating some yummy popcorn and their own goodies throughout. Grade 2's then had an opportunity to show the rest of the school their amazing costumes during assembly. Please enjoy lots of photos from the day.
Learning in action
Students have been reading persuasive texts, such as articles and advertisements. They have been identifying the argument and target audience whilst having to provide reasoning for their thinking. Students have been reading persuasive articles and identifying how adjectives change the meaning and persuade the reader to agree with their opinion.
This fortnight students have been learning how to use modal verbs in a sentence and use commas to separate items in list.
Students will be learning about how authors use humour to engage their audience. Students write their own persuasive letter and will be beginning to create their own Christmas picture book.
This fortnight we have been revising previous topics that have been taught through a new program called 'Daily Review'. Students have been revising skip counting, partitioning numbers into their expanded form, ordering numbers, addition, subtraction, solving multiplication program using arrays, interpreting data from graphs and tables, transformation of shapes and fractions. As we move through these slides, we are revising strategies that students can use to answer the questions and correcting any misconceptions.
We will continue revising the same concepts through a daily review.
Last week we learnt that rivers provide a habitat for fish or other aquatic creatures. The trees that line the banks support many insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Some rivers, such as the Mackenzie River, provide only a temporary home for birds who must migrate after the summer.
This week we learnt that rapids and waterfalls may force people to seek alternative transportation—such as railroads. Rapids and waterfalls may destroy the boats of people who attempt to sail through or over them.
Lex Fisher, Hayley Ward, Taryn Bailey, Catia Anson, Rachel Manning and Kelly Reynolds.
Grade 2 Teachers